When they can't find you but then find you under the bed sheets

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I made a Red Dead Redemption 2 x Reader scenario book so if you are interested please go check it out and I hope you enjoy it.


He will have a feeling you are in the bed so he will peek under the sheet, greeting you with a chuckle. When you ask what he wants he will tell you what he came to say before giving you a kiss then dropping the sheet so you can continue hiding under the sheets. Sometimes he will raise it a little again just to push Faust in there so you have some company.


She will usually always look first at the bed, smiling down at you before telling you what she came to say. When she is somewhere else in the palace and needs you she will ask a servant to go check your bed to see if you are still lying in it. So when you come out the bed, she can't help but chuckle before apologizing for having to drag you out of the bed.


He searched everywhere and at the end he got so tired so he just wanted to lay down for a second. As he flopped on the bed, he was quick to jump off it with a yelp, wondering what the hell is lying in his bed before he threw the sheets off then held up his fists, prepared to fight it if needed. So when he saw you, he just stared, his brain processing it. When you asked if he was gonna punch you, he was quick to drop his fists and say of course not.


He began worrying a lot when he couldn't find you since whenever you leave you always tell him so now his mind was going to the worst case scenarios like you being kidnapped or having gotten lost in the woods and now you are all scared and alone and he doesn't know where you are so he can't help you. When he heard moving of bed sheets, he was confused, wondering if Inanna is on the bed, only to notice the wolf at the fire place. He rushed to the bed and just stared as you popped out of the bed sheets, yawning, clearly just woken up. Before you could even ask why he's staring like that, he threw his arms around you and held you tightly. He wasn't saying anything so you slowly asked him what's wrong, to which he whispered he thought something bad had happened to you because he couldn't find you.


The bed was the first place she checked since she herself will sometimes also just hide under the bed sheets when she isn't in the mood to get out. So when she removed the sheets and saw you, she couldn't help but laugh before giving your cheek a kiss and saying she knew you would be there.


He ordered servants to find you after failing to find you himself. When one told him you are still in bed, he huffed and said he obviously searched your room already. He refused to believe it because he was too stubborn to admit he missed seeing you hiding under the bed sheets so it took a bit of time before he finally went to your room, which a big huff and complaining about how this is a waste of time and he knows you aren't there. So when he entered to see you on the bed, he stared then muttered anyone would have missed it.


He yelled your name, his tone getting more annoyed with each time he said it. Eventually he gave up, huffing as he flopped down on the bed, only to curse and jump up when he felt something move. He twirled and threw the bed sheets off then stared at you as you were soundly asleep. He stared then the bed sheets got crumbled in his fist before he yelled your name, finally wakening you. Before you could finish off your question of asking what's wrong, he was already annoyedly asking if you have any idea how long he spend searching for you and why you are still in bed in the middle of the day.


He knew where you were, he almost always knows where you are. Usually he just lets you be, unless he needs you for something, then he will just throw the sheets off or scoop you up with the bed sheets still around you.

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