If you have Tourettes/If you have tics

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For those who don't know what tourettes is, it is a disorder of repetitive movements and/or unwanted sounds, called tics. 

I thought I should write this chapter since a person living with Tourette is a hard, embarrassing and difficult thing so I hope that this chapter can cheer the people with Tourette's/tics up a little bit and/or make them feel less embarrassed.

(This can basically be any disorder with tics, I just know many don't know what Tourette's is so I thought I should make a chapter about it to bring awareness since disorders are a serious thing and more people should get educated on them. I deeply apologize if this chapter has anything wrong, I don't have Tourette's but I made sure to do some research on it first so I don't misinform anyone.)


As long as your tics don't harm you or those around you, he will let you be. If they do, he will help you try to control them the best he can since he wants to be as supportive as he can. When you say something weird/embarrassing/offensive and cover your face in embarrassment, apologizing, he can't help but laugh a little as he rubs your shoulders, assuring you it's okay and he knows you didn't mean for that to happen.


She treats you like anyone else. When you tic while trying to say something, she will patiently wait for you to finish your sentence. If someone asks you what the hell you are doing or someone doesn't know what your disorder is, she will be more than happy to politely explain it to them so they can be educated on your disorder and learn that it isn't a joking matter and a very serious thing. She got you a masseur so if your muscles hurt after doing physical tics, they can massage the area and help the pain ease away.


When you randomly begin dancing in public, he will begin dancing with you so you can feel less embarressed. One time you had a wild physical tic that made you slap your hand out, slapping it against him. When you quickly apologized, he laughed it off and rubbed the spot, assuring you it's okay before he awkwardly told you it would be better if you get that under control because if you do that to a stranger, he doubts they will be as forgiving.


The first time you did a tic around him, he stared, trying to understand what you just did. When you told him your condition, he just continued staring before his face turned red in embarrassment as he awkwardly mumbled he never heard of that so he doesn't know what that is. After you were done explaining it, he was still a bit confused but he could tell how hard and difficult this has been for you so he immediately hurried to Asra afterwards for advice so he can be as supportive and helpful as he can.


She refuses to let you cook food. She trusts you, but one time you did a physical tic while you held a knife which resulted in you slicing yourself so ever since she rather have that you stay away from all the knives and oven for your own safety. When she notices your tics suddenly becoming more obvious, she will know it's because you are stressed and talk to you about it so you can de-stress. When you do a tic and apologize, she will give you a smile and assure you it's okay.


The first time you called him a slut, he automatically gasped and called you a bitch. He stared at you, processing what just happened before he realized you didn't actually mean to say that. Before he could awkwardly apologize, you began laughing, saying that was funny. So if you randomly say a curse word or a slur to him, he will say one back to you so it doesn't look strange to anyone and people walking by will just think, "Ah, the Count and his lover having another insulting competition."


One time you did a tic and it caused you to slap his glass out his hand. He stared at the broken glass on the floor before he let out a long sigh, unable to yell at you for it since you couldn't control it before he just left to get a new glass. When you apologized for it, he told you it's fine and he understands why it happened so he isn't mad, just annoyed such good wine went to waste.


He will make jokes about your condition, never anything too bad or mean, just a light joke that you can also chuckle with, but the second a stranger jokes/insults you, they are getting the glare of the century and they will randomly go missing the next day then reappear with a few broken bones in their body, sure to leave them disabled for life.

Sorry but you cannot request mental disorder/disability scenarios. 

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