When they wonder if you even truly love them

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I got Muriel's upright ending and Lucio's reversed ending.

Lucio's reversed ending is shocking and amazing in its own weird way. I really do like the twist they pulled at the ending. And, not gonna lie, I quite liked the view of Lucio on his knees while I sat upon my throne, made me feel so powerful...


He will quickly snatch a book and begin reading, not wishing to think of such things since he knows you love him and it's simply him worrying over stupid things. So if you find him angrily gripping a book, reading it, but not actually reading, just staring at it, mentally arguing with himself for thinking such dumb things, you can know he's thinking bad or insecure thoughts so just either let him be and figure it out himself or give him affection to let him know you love him and he doesn't have to worry about anything.


She never thinks this, so if she does, she will know something is wrong and go to you to talk to you about this since just keeping it bottled up will only worsen it. It's usually that she has being working too much and you were busy with your thing which made you both barely spend any time with each other and made her feel as if you were ignoring her. She will smile, saying she is happy to hear it was simply because you are busy before feeling her cheeks heat up, a bit embarrassed she thought such an awful thought, feeling as if she should apologize for even thinking of that question, so she will apologize to you for questioning the love you have for her.


Sometimes he will start thinking bad, insecure thoughts. He will either just ignore them or think about them, but when it goes to wondering if you even love him, he will quickly get up and hurry to you, not wishing to have such an awful thought in his head since he knows you love him. So you will be confused as Julian suddenly hugs you from behind, mumbling he loves you. When you chuckle and ruffle his hair, telling him you also love him, he will give you a grin before resting his head on your shoulder and just enjoying holding you.


He has many insecure thoughts, and one of those is him thinking you don't actually love him. He knows you love him, but it's a thought he can never seem to get rid of and when he thinks deeper into it, he will begin naming reasons why you wouldn't love him and start to really wonder why you are even with him and that there is no way you can possibily love a man like him. So you will have to cover his face with kisses and tell him you love him and begin naming the reasons you love him, which will make him feel shy and embarrassed but it will work to show him you really do love him and make the insecure thoughts go away.


She doesn't ever think this, she knows you love her and she loves you, otherwise you both wouldn't have married each other and live in the same house. She did think it sometimes when you both had just gotten together since she was unsure why you would pick her when you have so many pretty and amazing friends like Asra and Nadia, to which you told her they are pretty and amazing but that doesn't mean you love them the way you love her. So you told her she is amazing, unique, funny, beautiful and some more stuff that made her heart skip a beat and made her face turn red as she nervously laughed out not to say such embarrassing things with a goofy smile on her face, happy you truly love her and think all these things about her.


He will chuckle at himself, telling himself of course you love him and name all the things that make him so nice and lovely, but then he will start to think about all the awful things he did and start to become unsure. So he will storm to you, asking if you love him. When you said of course, he huffed with a proud, smug smirk, saying of course you do, everybody loves him before he walks away.


He knows he can be an asshole and he isn't the best husband in the world and that he doesn't do all that boring romantic stuff, so he sometimes will begin wondering if you even love him and have grown to hate him. Which results in him drinking too much till he got drunk then taking your shoulders and asking on the verge of tears if you even still love him. When you said yes, he gave you puppy eyes, asking really. When you nod, a smile immediately came on his face before he pulled you in a tight hug.


Sometimes he wonders why you love him since he is the Devil and a humanoid goat. He will stare at you until you awkwardly ask him if something is wrong, to which he will ask you why you love him. When you mumble you don't really know and it just happened, he stared before he hummed, thinking that makes the most sense since if you said stuff like that he is such a kind and caring man would be a complete lie since he is the furthest thing from kind and caring.

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