When their pet snuggles you

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Requested by: MaroonKite


He will just chuckle when he sees Faust comfortably snuggled against you. He's used to it so he doesn't find it that special anymore but he will always find it cute and a happy sight to see the two things he loves a lot so close to each other.


She chuckled when she saw Chandra snuggled to you before telling you it seems she likes you. If you don't know how to hold an owl, she will be glad to show you and give you some food you can feed to Chandra.


He will chuckle when he sees Malak on your shoulder and rubbing his beak against you, saying Malak is friendly with him but not that friendly and you must have some talent to get him like that.


He will just watch as Inanna and you are cozied together. When you hold your hand to him, asking if he wants to join, he will blush and mumble not really, only to get shocked when you took his hand and pulled him to you to join the cuddling.


She will let out an "aaw", finding this so adorable, saying two of the things she loves most in the world are now cuddling. She will wish to join, jokingly saying not to forget her.


He will pout, asking why he's been left out. When you open your arm to invite him to join the cuddle, he was quick to join and hold you while petting the dogs and talking to them.


He doesn't have a pet, he finds a pet too much trouble and he doesn't have enough free time to take care of a pet or play with it. Unless you brought one with you, then he will just look before going on with his day since it's nothing special or unqiue to see a person snuggling with their pet.


He sometimes makes these weird demon creature things which he will jokingly call his pets so when he finds them trying to snuggle you, he will stomp and glare, watching them scatter away before growling he needs to make new ones, ones who won't go soft but will wish to devour beings on first sight. When you gave him a "what the hell?" look, he assured you obviously he wouldn't let them harm you.

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