You become a villain, win against them in a battle, and then kill them

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I personally think the first book is written better and just better in general, so sorry if this second book isn't as good as the first one.

Some scenarios from the first book I will rewrite because I either didn't like how I wrote it and/or because I got new ideas for the scenario.


When you became the villain, he tried to convince you, to assure you everything is okay and he will help you, but when you killed Faust, he knew you weren't the Y/n he fell in love with and there was no turning back for you. He trained day and night with the Magician, knowing you became more powerful so he has to make sure he was powerful as well so when he takes you on in a battle, he has a chance. When he finally had the battle with you, it was long and painful. He didn't get harmed badly, it was mostly painful because even if he told himself this isn't the person he fell in love with, he still hesitated to attack sometimes because when he stared deep in your eyes, all he could see was a broken person. He knows a person isn't just evil, they are made evil, so when he sees those eyes, he just wishes to stop his magic, wrap his arms around you, give your forehead a kiss and assure you that it's all okay now and that he's here to help you and that you aren't broken and can be fixed. But that hope was quickly broken when he threw a powerful blast. For a second his chest clenched, thinking he killed you, only to stare in shock as you used your magic to create wings and flew above the blast before you formed a magical bow and arrow and shot. He didn't have the time to react as the arrow slammed into his shoulder, slamming him against the ground. Before he could pull the bow out, you already stomped on his hand to stop him causing him to yell in pain. As you prepared a new shot to shoot into his head, he knew there was no saving you, but a little part of him hoped that if he said something meaningful to you that you will not kill him, or at least stop everything you are doing. But he couldn't come up with anything, all he could do was stare at the arrow that was aiming at his head before he looked you in the eyes and all he could do was whisper, "I'm sorry, Y/n, I failed you."


She was terrified, having never expected this sudden turn. As much as she hated the thought, she knew she had to fight you and put a stop to you. She gathered her best army, asking Asra to put some magic on their weapons so that she has a chance against you. She had a winning chance, or at least that was what she thought. She didn't expect you to be able to simply kill her army with a simple swing of your arm. She didn't even have time to react when you suddenly appeared before her and wrapped your hand around her neck causing her hand to fly to your wrist, scratching at it, gasping out your name. She had to know, she just had to, so she asked you in gasps why you are doing this. When you clenched her neck more, she dug her nails in your wrist, hoping it would make you let her go. When you told her just for the fun of it, she stared at you in terror only to release a weird sound that was a mixture between a gasp and a yelp when you suddenly turned her and kicked her leg, knocking her onto her legs. She stared in terror as she saw her town, up in flames, people running around, children crying for their parents, buildings collapsing. When you leaned down to her ear, squeezing her neck a little tighter just enough to cause her vision to blur, asking with a smile if this isn't a gorgeous view, all she could do was let out a sob and beg you in choking gasps to stop it. She never believed when people saw your life flashes before your eyes before you die, but suddenly she began thinking of all the people in her life. Her kind parents who always supported her no matter what she did, her sisters who have always been there for her and will always make time for her, Portia who has been by her side since she woke up, her idiot of a husband who might be an asshole but tries to make her laugh when he can tell she's not in a good mood, the kind Asra who will gladly listen to her rambles while sipping some tea, everyone she cares so deeply for. She's so sorry she couldn't stop you, she's so sorry she couldn't be a better countess and save her people, she's so sorry for not having done better.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now