There's a fake you

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You entered the shop, greeting him. He looked to you, greeting you back with a smile. Though it fell as quick as it came. He could just feel it; something was wrong here. But he stayed quiet, just watching you as you walked through the shop. And it was obvious as you glanced to the shelves, as if having never seen those items before, and almost walked to the back of the shop, probably thinking there must be the kitchen or such, only to awkwardly chuckle and go to the stairs. This time he did move: slamming his hand on the wall to block you from going up, not wanting whatever this is going to your shared private rooms. He was debating how to play this as you ask what's wrong, then decided to just go straightforward. He demanded who this is, to which you of course chuckled your name, his spouse. But he chuckled back, saying that's why he knows exactly this isn't his spouse. He began walking to it so it began walking backwards. He stared at it with narrowed eyes, demanding again who it is, now asking as well why it's here. But it shook its head, whispering it doesn't understand why he's acting like this to his dear. It was supposed to calm this but this only angered him, telling it it's not his dear and he wants to know where his actual dear is. But then suddenly the door opened and you stood there. Now the being that was disguised as you began nervously laughing, glancing between the two, before it just ran out, pushing you so hard you hit the doorway and fell. Asra wanted to chase after it but stopped and crouched to you, worriedly asking if you are okay as you rubbed your shoulder. You assured him just fine then asked what the hell that was so he shook his head, unsure. He chased after it, needing to be sure it won't go cause more trouble and if it's from a magical realm how it got here and to send it back. But sadly he couldn't find it anymore, and so now he lives with a constant little worry it will appear again, which prompted you both to make up a weird saying only you two would know so if it shows up again, dressed as either you or him, either can demand it to say this line and if it doesn't or gets it wrong you can both immediately know.


She woke up with a headache, groaning as she holds her head, sitting out on the balcony, not wanting to wake you up with her moving and groaning. She hears footsteps so turns to see you approach, looking worried, asking her what's wrong. She sighs and tells you of her terrible headache, how she hasn't had one of these in a while so it feels extra bad. She gently asked you to bring her some water and something that can ease the pain so you left. She sat there, her head in her palm, trying to put her mind on something else, but the throbbing was too painful to be able to not think about it. She jumped in surprise as a hand suddenly touched her shoulder then sighed when seeing you. She gives you a smile as you held a glass of water. She took it, asking if there was no medicine or herbs. You stared then shook your head. She looks forward, trying to let the scenery take away her worries as she takes little sips, debating if she should try to sleep again or just get ready already. She jumped in surprise again when the sound of glass shattering and a loud "thud" came. She stands up now, twirling around, clenching her fists. You stood there, hand bleeding as you held a little piece of glass, standing over... you? She glances between the two, confused, then saw the knife in the passed out you. You, or she so hopes you, let out a groan as you drop the glass pieve and pull tiny pieces out your hand, saying it seems assassins got new tricks. So much was running through her mind, one being a sarcastic how happy she is she forgot about her headache for a moment at least, but also so annoyed as she now has to deal with this. She doesn't blame the guards since this person was disguised as you and you are free to roam about her place. After this she stayed at Portia's cottage to talk in peace, discussing with you ways to make sure this can't happen again. Later that day a group of guards left to go break down doors of suspected criminals and arrest them. She wasn't risking anything again, now furious she almost was killed and they dared use your appearance.

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