When they have to ask a question they know will put you in a bad mood

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He will check if you are in a good mood. If you aren't, he will wait till you are in a good mood. If you are in a good mood, he will tell you he has a question he knows will anger you. When you sighed, not looking forward to the question, he chuckled before asking the question.


She will kindly tell you she has a question but it might make you a bit angry. When you told her to ask it, she asked you the question in the kindest way she could, hoping her kind tone will not anger or upset you.


He will spy on you the whole day, searching a right moment to ask it, only to freeze when you turned and looked him right in the eyes, asking why he's spying on you. He nervously laughed, saying bad excuses before frowning when he realized how bad those excuses were so he finally admitted he needs to ask a question but it will probably put you in an awful mood.


He will awkwardly glance away, opening his mouth to speak but then closing it with a frown, unsure how he should ask this before he tugged your sleeve to get your attention, awkwardly mumbling the question. When he saw your annoyed expression, he mumbled a sorry.


She will wait till you are in a good mood then ask it, hoping you won't get angry and stay happy. When you sighed, unhappy with the question, she awkwardly chuckled, saying she wouldn't ask it but it's important so she had to ask it.


He asked it, forgetting you don't like such questions. When he saw your annoyed expression, he remembered and awkwardly laughed, apologizing before he drummed his fingers, unsure what to do or say now since now you are in a bad mood, so he just made a few bad jokes in hopes he can make you happy again.


He will just ask it. When you gave him an annoyed expression, he rolled his eyes and said it's just a question, no need to look at him as if you are planning how to murder him.


He will just ask it, amused a simple question can ruin your whole mood so easily. When you angrily said he knows you hate such questions, he just chuckled and said he knows.

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