Who they invited to the wedding

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For those who are new, this is the second book. I suggest you read the first book before this one.

For anyone who is new or forgot: The MC is whatever age, gender, height, etc, you are/want them to be. Any requests that give any of this away will be declined. How you both met is up to you to decide as well.

This is the second book, so I'm just picking off where I left, which was at the scenario "They propose to you", so this is basically the continuation. It will be three scenarios about weddings, then it won't be anymore weddings. So if you don't like weddings, just endure it for three chapters (or skip them) and then it is wedding-free.


He invited his parents, Muriel and some other friends you were comfortable with attending. Muriel took a bit of convincing, but he managed to convince Muriel to attend. When Muriel mumbled he wants to stand in the back in the shadows, not in the crowd, Asra smiled and said if he feels comfortable with that, then he's okay with that.


She invited her whole family. She had to endure her sisters making many jokes about this and her father hugging her for many long minutes, crying while happily saying his baby girl is getting married before he sniffed and put his hand on your shoulder, saying if you harm her or disrespect her, he will send all his guards after you. Before you could response, he pulled you and Nadia in a tight hug, happily crying out he's so happy for his girl.


He invited Portia and Mazelinka. Whenever Portia made a joke, he blushed and tried to defend himself. When she teasingly said she never expected him to find someone willing to marry him, he pout and said of course someone would before saying he will be the best husband in the world. Mazelinka put her hand on your shoulder, saying if he becomes too much, just send him to her and she will give him a good slap on the back of his head with her wooden spoon to knock some sense into him.


He invited Asra and Nadia. When you chuckled and asked what about Portia, he frowned and mumbled it's awkward to give her a card. When you said it will bring her great joy, he frowned but took the invation card and went to her cottage, where he awkwardly held it to her, mumbling she can come if she wants, only to let out a shocked noise when Portia excitedly pulled him down to hug him, happily saying she's so happy he came personally to give it and of course she will attend the wedding.


She invited all her friends. She made cute, colorful invitation cards, which she happily gave to all her friends, telling them they don't have to come obviously but she would appreciate it. She felt a bit nervous handing it to Nadia, so she handed it to her during Nadia's break, nervously and politely saying you and her are getting married soon and she was wondering if she would like to attend. When Nadia smiled and said of course she would attend, Portia couldn't help but grin, happily saying she's very happy to hear that before she left the room to go tell you that Nadia will also be attending.


He invited all your friends, the courtiers, and even his mother. He just forced a smile as his mother asked if he really is gonna do this again and then get another divorce. He just sarcastically said he's so happy she is so supportive of this before he walked away.


He really didn't want to invite the other courtiers but he knows that's the polite and proper thing to do since they all have been working together for a long time so he did. When you told him not to do it if he doesn't even want them there, he shrugged and mumbled at least they will have to bring gifts so that's a good thing about this whole thing.


He mockingly asked Asra if he would like to attend, before laughing when Asra gave him the dirtiest look he ever seen someone give him. He didn't really invite anyone, he isn't a fan of weddings, he's just doing this because he's bored and he wants it to be something special between you two anyway, nobody else has to be there for him. If you wish to invite someone, you may do that, but he doesn't care if someone attends or not.

I used Chimel and Flamel since they are the familiars of a married couple and this book is where you are both married. I used white flowers because white flowers are usually used at a wedding.

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