When you both enter a cave and the entrance collapses

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I made a Left 4 Dead 2 x Reader scenario book so please check it out if you are interested~


He was quick to take your arm and rush away from the entrance to avoid getting hit by the collapsing rocks. Once the collapsing stopped, both were left in the darkness so he casted a light, saying this is an annoying situation. He looked around before he saw the cave went deeper and he got a weird feeling, a feeling he usually gets when he's in a magical realm so he couldn't help but curse, saying he thinks he knows where this cave goes. So both walked through the cave until you both found another exit, and his feeling was correct, you both were now in a magical realm. When you glanced back, stared before pointing, saying the cave is gone so he looked before saying it happens, not fazed anymore by the strange things that happen in magical realms.


She let out a shocked scream as the entrance collapsed. She couldn't see anything so she took your hand, telling you to stay close or might both get lost or split up. You told her you can probably move the rocks so you can both leave, she nod before telling you to be careful or you might make it worse. As you used your magic to move the rocks, it was a slow and hard progress but she patiently waited, keeping a hold of the end of your shirt so she can know where you are. When a bit of light from the outside came through, she told you you are doing a good job so keep it up. Once you had moved enough rocks to get out, both rushed out before she sighed and said that was a scary experience and she's so happy you were here or she wouldn't have been able to get out.


He yelped, snatching your waist and stumbling away from the entrance. Once the collapsing stopped, he awkwardly asked if you think this whole cave will collapse onto you both. When he noticed a fire floating above his palm, he frowned and asked why you casted a fire above his palm. When you told him he's casting the fire, he gasped. So after a minute of him fanboying about having been able to do the spell you taught him so easily, he went serious and said you both better get out of here before the cave collapses more. So he held out his hand to give you light as you used your magic to carefully move some rocks till there was a gap you both could get out of. Once outside, he happily hugged you and spun you around, cheering that you both came out alive of that situation.


He was quick to pull you against his chest and turn around so that you are safe from any pieces that fly your way from the collapsing rocks. Once the collapsing stopped, he groaned and looked over his shoulder, saying you are both stuck in this cave with no light. You casted a light before thanking him for protecting you, which caused him to blush and let you go from his tight, protective embrace, muttering it's nothing special.


She let out a scream, stumbling away from the collapsing entrance. Once darkness took over the cave, she reached out only to laugh as she accidentally hit your face, apologizing before taking your arm, asking you if you think you can use a spell to move these collapsed rocks. When you shrugged and said you never done this before so you don't know and you fear you might just make it worse, she frowned before asking you for a fire, so you casted a fire so you both can see. She glanced further into the cave before saying there might be another exit so both went and walked around. Once you both found another exit, she grinned and took your hand and rushed out, excitedly saying you both managed to make it out. She gave you a kiss out of excitement, only to freeze and laugh when your stomach growled before she said you both were there for a long time so it's only normal. She took your hand in a better hold before walking, saying she will make some delicious dinner at home since you both deserve it after this stressful situation.


He cursed, flinching away from the entrance before angrily asking what the fuck that was, only to panic as darkness was all he could see, nervously calling your name. When you put your hand on his shoulder, he flinched before sighing, telling you not to do that with no warning, mumbling he thought it was a damn creature or something. When you asked him if he's scared, he was quick to say no, saying he never gets scared. So you casted a light, asking if he thinks you can move the collapsed rocks so you can both leave, he eyed the rocks before saying he thinks it will just collapse further. So both decided to go further into the cave until you both found another exit until you both found another exit. He was so happy when he saw the outside again, happily saying he never appreciated the outside more than now.


He was just wondering why the fuck he let you convince him to enter this damn cave. So the whole time you were trying to get out, he was complaining, saying you told him this would be fun yet here you both are, stuck and starving to death. He glanced down before angrily saying he doesn't even have wine. Once you both managed to get out, he told you he is never ever going along with one of your dumb plans again.


His question was just why he's in this cave and how you managed to convince him to come into it as he watched you trying to move the rocks. He just watched with amusement, wondering if you remember he can easily teleport you both out of here. So while you tried to move the rock, you froze before slowly turning to him to see him watching you with amusement before you told him he can teleport so he smiled and said of course. When you angrily asked why he let you suffer like this, he happily said he enjoys it before he put his hand on your shoulder and teleported you both out of here.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora