You come home beaten up but just crawl in bed and silently cry

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Like always: I write the scenario, you add the details. So you can decide why you are beaten up. If it's because you got in a bar fight, got badly injured in a magical realm, etc...


He thought you were just exhausted and that's why you walked past with no word and flopped on the bed, but when he saw how you laid there, he knew you were crying. He walked over and sat aside you, asking you what happened. He hovered his hand over your wounds making them slowly heal. As you moved in a way that said it's uncomfortable, he whispered to just wait and that he knows it's uncomfortable but it's better than leaving your wounds open and letting them be infected. Once it was over, he gave you a soft kiss and whispered you did good before he pulled the bed sheet over you and told you to rest while he gets you some water and food.


She was shocked when you suddenly entered looking all beaten up. She wanted to take your arm and ask you what happened, but you were already crawling on the bed and curling into a ball. She stared as you held the sheets tightly, your face pushed against the bed, as if trying to hide yourself. She could tell you were silently crying. She didn't know if it was because of the pain or just because you needed to get it out of the system, but she did know she wouldn't get answers if she asked you questions so she just sat aside you on the bed and stroked your hair in a soothing manner in hopes of helping you. She noticed Portia peek in so she signaled for Portia to get a doctor ready so when you are finished crying, you can immediately get taken care of for those wounds.


He wanted to excitedly tell you about this silly thing that happened to him early this day, only to stare as you walked past and just crawled on the bed. He awkwardly mumbled he guesses the story can wait before walking over. He was unsure how to go about this so he crouched down and poked your back, calling your name. When you didn't reply, he frowned before asking you if he can see you. When you shook your head, he hummed and asked if he can at least treat your wounds. He waited patiently before smiling as you nod your head. So he left to get his medical supplies then sat aside you again. He didn't force you to turn to him. When he noticed a tear fall down your cheek, he felt his chest clench but he kept silent about it and just took care of your wounds. He told you you will need to turn so he can inspect and treat the other side. He got up and held his back to you so you can turn without feeling uncomfortable. When done, he sat on your other side and began treating those wounds. When he was done, he hesitated before petting your head, whispering it's okay now then gave your head a kiss before leaving to go put away the medical supplies. when he returned, he wasn't sure what to say so he decided maybe now he can tell the story and maybe it will cheer you up and make you forget what happened.


He didn't know what to do. He was just petting Inanna when you suddenly entered and just laid down on the bed and began silently crying. He felt so worried and uncomfortable. He walked over to you and slowly called your name before asking you what's wrong. As he didn't get a reply, he glanced to Inanna before leaving. He returned a few seconds later with some medical stuff he has lying around. He normally never had this stuff in his house but when you two kept going on those magical realm adventures and the risk of getting injured kept getting increased, he decided to buy it so when you get injured, you can take care of the injuries quickly. He told you he has some medical stuff but you just held your injured arm out, not a word, so he took it before beginning to treat your wounds. He didn't speak or ask anything, realizing he won't get an answer anyway and you probably just want to be left alone after what you went through. So when he was finished, he was debating if he should stay or leave so he decided to sit further away in the corner so he's still here if you need him but not too close. Inanna wanted to sit with him but he gently pushed her to you, deciding you probably need Inanna's warmth and comfort more than he does.

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