There is a burglar

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For those who think burglaries happen at night, while they do, they actually happen more in the middle of the day. Just thought some of you might not know and now you do.


You were both on the second floor of the shop, just talking and deciding what to make for dinner, when suddenly the sound of something downstairs came. Asra looked around, wondering if it was Faust but Faust was on your shoulders so it couldn't be. He frowned before walking past, his hand gently touching your arm as if to say "ssh, stay calm" and both quietly sneaked down. Both looked into the shop to see a person rummaging through all the items on display. Asra felt annoyed and angry as they were touching the stuff he went on so many journeys on to get, but then he smirked and looked at you with a "watch" expression. He used a spell to lift the items, making them circle around the person, who was now freaking out, then Asra motioned to Faust. Faust was quick to slither off your arms and onto the counter, hissing loudly causing the person to stumble away from her, screaming in fear before running out the store, so quickly they almost smacked against the door. Asra laughed as he carefully put all the items back before petting Faust a thank you. He walked to you, asking you if you are okay, chuckling that was a bit scary but at least got some entertainment out of it.


When you hurried in with your sword, she was quick to ask what's wrong. As you told her the guards spotted a thief but they slipped away, she sighed, not in the mood for a criminal when she has all this work to get done. She picked up her quil and continued her paperwork, asking you to deal with it, suggesting to take some guards and Portia to find the thief. As you asked her since when you deal with catching thieves, she chuckled and said a sorry and said you did so much dangerous stuff already she assumed a thief would be nothing for you. But you shrugged and said it's fine, you have nothing else to do anyway and left, signalling for the guards in the hall to follow you. A few hours later, you entered again, hugging her from behind with a sigh, giving her cheek a tired kiss, saying the thief is finally caught.


He befriended the thief... The thief tried to get in and Julian asked with confusion and interest what they are doing. As the thief freaked out, Julian also did, only to gasp and say their name. So the two sat down at the table and talked. As you askd him why he is befriending the person who just tried to rob the place, he told you he met this person years ago and they got along quite well back then but didn't have a long time to talk. So they talked for a long time, Julian even letting them stay over for dinner and gave them some coins to help them out when he heard of their terrible situation.


You didn't even have time to really think about it because the thief entered, only to see Muriel and quickly scatter away, leaving you and Muriel staring with confusion at the open door. Muriel looked at you and awkwardly asked if someone just tried to rob his hut, to which you shrugged and said you aren't sure, probably some idiot who thought this hut was abandoned and wanted to see what they could take home. Muriel stared at the door before shrugging it off and closing the door before continuing what he was doing.


It was at night when she heard a crash so she snatched th eneaest item as a weapon and shook you awake. As you groaned and asked what, she whispered she heard something. As you made a sword appear with magic, she took your arm tightly due to how nervous and scared she is and both went to the living. Indeed there was a thief with a bag. You were quick to swing your sword, stopping it right at their neck, telling them to drop the bag and scatter if they value their life. They were quick to drop the bag and run. Portia asked why you let them go so you told her you don't know and you just did the first thing in mind. She took her belongings out the bag before frowning at the other items and saying she will go give them back to their rightful owners tomorrow. She didn't sleep after that, too worried they might return and not as if she would be able to sleep after such a stressful, scary situation.


You and Lucio just stared at the thief. You with a "are you really trying to rob the palace?" expression and Lucio with an angry "I'm firing the guards outside" expression. As the thief tried to run away, Lucio angrily asked where they think they are going before shouting for guards to catch that thief and throw them in a cell. Once they were in the cell, Lucio stormed down to it, wearing his best clothes and sword just to show off his wealth and how much better off he is than them before he laughed and asked if they really think they could steal from him.


He was just pouring some wine when he heard something to his side so he looked and stared as he was staring right at a thief trying to crawl through his window. He wore the most "what the fuck are you trying to do? Just let me enjoy my wine in peace" before he sighed and yelled for you. The way he yelled it told you to bring your sword so you walked in, holding your sword, asking who needs to die this time. The thief was quick to run away, screaming you both are crazy. Valerius just huffed, unable to deny you two aren't the most normal but not as if they are any better, they are trying to rob other people's hard-earned stuff.


He was just wearing this creepy grin because he was honestly way too amused that someone would even think about robbing his place. As the person ran away, you curiously asked him if he isn't gonna go after them, to which the Devil chuckled and said to just wait. Turns out the thief ran into a room which was a maze and the door behind them vanished so now they are stuck in a maze for all eternity. The thief can search for an exit all they want, but the Devil didn't put an exit in it so the thief is just running around in the maze, hope of finding an exit and going back home slowly going away with each passing hour.

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