When you want to do something they really don't like

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I can't remember if I already did this or not and I'm too lazy to check so here it is anyway.


He will give it a try a few times, to see if he will grow to like it but mainly to make you happy, but he can't find himself liking it. He likes being with you, but the activity itself is so annoying to sit through so eventually he told you he doesn't want to do that anymore because it's just so tiring and annoying to endure without getting pent up, especially because he can spend that free time doing things he does like. You told him he should have told you sooner but he laughed it off, assuring you it wasn't so bad as you were there but he rather do something you both like.


She will do it just to make you happy. She likes seeing you happy, so a bit of annoyance at doing this thing she dislikes she can endure, because seeing you happy makes it so endureable and makes the activity less annoying as she would normally find it. Though she will hope you do the same thing for her then. She won't force you to do anything you will dislike or complain if you refuse, but she will hope you will do it for her as well. She also finds tasks that aren't fun can become quite fun if done with the right person.


He was just doing it because he felt too awkward declining and he didn't want to upset you, so he sat through it with forced smiles and acting excited about this, but the second you weren't looking he was groaning and slouching, wondering when this will be over. The way you found out was because you looked at him as he was slouched and pouting so both stared at each other before he forced a smile and awkwardly admitted this isn't so fun. So both talked about it, where he panicked when you felt bad you put him through this so he wildly assured you it's fine but also awkwardly admitting he likes being with you but this activity sucks so much.

Afterwards he didn't join anymore, though each time you went to go do that activity now he was stuck with guilt, awkwardness, and embarrassment so he has no win in this situation.


He will try to explain he doesn't like it but with how much awkwardly stumbling he is over his words with an intense feeling of guilt he ends up just giving up and joins. He won't be doing much, just there so he won't feel guilty and bad for declining something you seem so hopeful to do together. But you can tell he doesn't like this so assure him he can go but he will deny, not wanting to leave you alone or make you feel upset and lonely. Eventually he will stop joining as this is just too boring and annoying, but he won't leave; he will just stand or sit nearby so you won't be alone. Not that he says much, but he just wants to be there to keep you company and ensure you don't get upset he stopped.


She will do it, for you. She will try to be optimistic to hype herself up, telling herself it will be fun this time and that everything she does with you is fun so this will surely be the same. Sadly it's not and still sucks, but she won't let that show as she doesn't want to ruin it for you. But sometimes when you ask she will suddenly have many chores to do, or she will awkwardly say she's very tired from work so she will have to sit this one out, even doing a fake yawn.


He won't do it. He will feel bad, but the dislike is too big and makes him say no. He will suggest few people who will probably find it fun, or simply tells a servant to join you. When you complain you want him to join you he will groan no. Sometimes he will go do it if you ask enough, but he will mostly be complaining, sighing, and paying more attention to everything else.


He won't do it. He doesn't see the reason why he should force himself to do something he hates to do. When you told him to do it for you then he just sighed then said fine. He tried it once, still disliked it, never did it again. So at least you gave it a try, but he still hated it so after that he still said no, even when you asked him to do it for you and promising it will be fun this time.


He simply refuses without thought or debate. He's not gonna do something he dislikes. If you complain he will just use a spell to suddenly make your voice vanish, while giving you this innocent smile. Only once you let it go do you get your voice back. Sometimes he will just make this weird creature appear and tells you to have that join you instead.

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