Your pet/familiar disappears

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I will make this have a happy ending since I'm not in the mood to write anything sad and already had a tough enough week, though I MIGHT (not sure yet so don't keep me to it) be publishing a "When your pet passes away" soon because someone once requested it.

Requested by: LostBoyCalledEm


Sometimes Faust also goes missing but she always turns back up so he assured you they will turn up sooner or later. When he's walking around the city or adventuring and he suddenly sees your pet, he's quick to use that magical liquid telepathy thing to inform you he has found them so don't worry and he will be sure to bring them home safely. When you find them and show them to him, he will chuckle and tell you he told you they would show up sooner or later.


She asked guards to keep their eyes open for your pet/familiar and ask a few servants who weren't busy to go search for them. She will politely ask Chandra to also go look around. When Chandra returned and gave her the feeling that she found your pet/familiar, she was quick to hurry to find you before happily telling you Chandra's find then telling servants to prepare a carriage for you to go to the location. She watched with a smile as you reunited with your pet/familiar, very happy to see that everything turned out okay and this stressful, worrying situation is over.


He found it more important to make sure you don't start panicking so he kept assuring you it's okay and they will surely turn up soon. He checked every part of the house, calling the creature, adding they are making you worried so they should come out. Once he found it, he gasped, a grin growing because he was so happy he found them and succeeded then began shouting your name, rushing around to now find you. Once he found you, he panted you are as difficult to find as your pet/familiar then motioned to them, excitedly saying he found them.


He handed Inanna something that smelled like your pet/familiar then followed her as she went outside the hut and followed the scent. He did it alone so incase it ends up a terrible situation, you won't have to see it. He's not sure how he would deliver such news then though, but he rather you just hear the news than have to see the body if it comes to that. So when he saw your pet/familiar alive, he was very relieved then asked them in a calm, kind tone why it ran off before petting it. He pet and talked to them for a bit before he told them they should all go back before you start panicking. When he came back, he watched with a smile as you reunited with your pet/familiar, before blushing when you hugged him and thanked him, to which he mumbled it was nothing and Inanna did more than him so you should thank her.


She assured you they will come back soon, chuckling that Pepi is always going missing but she always comes back. After a while of your pet/familiar not returning, she decided to check around places she knows it would go to or places with foods they like to eat. And she was happy when she found your pet/familiar chewing on something at some stand at the market place. She pet it while calling it naughty for leaving then asking if the food is delicious then chuckling better get back home and inform you. So as she approached the cottage, she happily called your name before motioning to your pet/familiar when you exit the house. As you rushed to your pet/familiar, she couldn't help but laugh, happy it all ended okay. She told you about where she found it and how she will have to go back to pay for the food it was eating.


He cursed and rushed off so you followed. You watched him rushing through his menagerie of exotic pets before asking him what he's doing, to which he nervously chuckled making sure it didn't get in here and gotten eaten. Once all animals were checked, he gave a thumbs up and said you don't have to worry about it having been eaten by any of his pets. He assured you it will show up and to just have some patience. And, indeed, your pet/familiar showed up after a while, which made Lucio very smug because he loves being right.


He just looked up from his book then looked back at his book, just humming it will turn up. He didn't think much of it since pets tend to run off for a bit, they will show up sooner or later. He might act like that but if they don't turn up in a day or two, then you will also find him standing at the front door, squinting to look in the dinstance or shaking the food bag outside. When it finally back home one day while he was outside looking for it, he glared at it while sarcastically and grumpily saying look who finally came home then shut the door and went to get you to tell you the good news.


He just watched you searching around his place, calling your pet/familiar's name. When you tried to move something to look behind or under it, he used magic to lift it up and move it so you can look with ease. He just found it interesting to watch you search for your pet/familiar, didn't say or help, just watched. When you asked if he can't help out, he hummed, stroked his chin in thought then said no. Once your pet/familiar came back, he glanced at it then pet it with this amusing grin that clearly wasn't for good intentions as he was basically just praising the pet for going missing because then he had something interesting to watch for a bit.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt