About ten minutes of silence went by and I was still completely absorbed in my thoughts and the dancing flames.

I began to think how I had taken my voice for granted. And if it would never come back to his former glory.

Knock knock knock

"I'm coming in big man!" A loud screech could be heard from the other side of the wood. Followed by an un-needed amount of force used to slam open the soft brown wooden door.

The girl flinched at the loud sound and she stood up. She practically sprinted to her scythe leaning against the wall. Eret watched in shock, it's like her feet floated across the ground, her body naturally melded to the weapon as she stood her ground. It's like she was some kind of trained fighter, better than any Eret had ever seen that's for sure.

"Woah! Woman!" Tommy shouted raising a finger to point at the girl. Her face was twisted into a scowl and her eyebrows knotted.

"Safe?" She questioned eyeing Eret. He saw her feet make soft padded movements towards Tommy, never leaving a fighting position. Her hands were gripped around what seemed to be a netherite scythe, her knuckles turning white from the grip she had on the long handle.

Tommy's bold face soon dropped after he noticed he was seen as an actual threat.

"Tell the Woman to back off please." He nervously spat the words attempting to still hold his tougher persona. His arms went into the air.

"As much as it would be hilarious to watch this play out, Tory, he is safe don't worry. He is a friend." Eret calmed the reaper and she cautiously lowered her weapon, but not before shooting one last scowl at the blond.

"Who is this woman?" Tommy grumbled crossing his arms. He was obviously pissed because he was shown up by the red haired woman.

"This is Torva Messor, she prefers Tory. I found her earlier today freezing due to the Arctic. Apparently she lived with Technoblade in his kingdom." Eret explained what he knew, he was hoping Tommy wouldn't ask questions because well, he didn't have answers.

"Hello angry boy." She said the words with as much power as she could muster due to her frail voice. She despised not being able to speak. Not being able to show her power through language. Now all she had was violence, which honestly is all she needed most of the time.

"I'm Tommy thanks." He scoffed rolling his eyes at the term 'angry boy'.

Eret on the other hand was laughing. It wasn't often Tommy would get shown up like this so it was definitely a sight to behold.

"Did you say Technoblade? As in the blood god?" Tommy questioned cocking his head to the side. It wasn't often the man was brought up so casually in conversation.

"She claims she is his friend." Eret shrugged at the claim. He honestly didn't believe it at first but after seeing her swiftness to the weapon and skill, he was having trouble doubting it.

"Tea." Was what she managed to crack out before her voice fully gave out for that day. She really needed to take some vocal rest she decided. It wasn't easy to gain back your voice like that.

Eret nodded with a smile and went to make her more tea for her throat.

"What did you need anyway Tommy? Usually your brother Wilbur or Tubbo come by if you need something." Eret questioned the blond boy, it wasn't usual that Tommy of all people would stop by. Usually it was, well anybody else. Tommy really only ever took interest in Tubbo and Wilbur.

Suddenly the girl made a panicked expression and ran over to Tommy. He flinched assuming she was attacking him and he looked down shocked. She had dropped her scythe and gripped his shoulders. Tomny looked honestly quite terrified.

She went to speak but all that came out was crackled air. She looked like she was about to breakdown. She looked to Eret in desperation, she obviously had something to tell Tommy. Eret looked panicked aswell.

"Paper and pencil!" Tommy yelled trying to break the tall girls grip from his shoulders. Eret nodded and started rummaging through his drawers. He ran over with a paper and pencil after maybe two minutes of awkward panicked silence.

She desperately grabbed the utensils and slammed them onto a table. Scribbled writing could be made out.

Are you Thomas as in Phil's son? And Wilbur as in Wilbur Soot? Tech's twin?

The girl looked up at Thomas desperately. The chance to meet her friends family? That would be wondrous. Technoblade would be so happy to know she met them. Tommy smiled softly.

"I remember. Phil sent a letter mentioning you now that I think about it. You are The Blades friend." Tommy let out a hearty laugh at the end and walked over to the girl. He ruffled her hair a bit and she scowled.

"So she wasn't lying!" Eret said with a bright smile putting his hands on his hips.

The girl crossed her arms and scowled with a displeased grumble.

"Sorry it's just yknow, Technoblade is known for murder, not exactly friendship." Eret laughed a bit trying to lighten the mood.

The girl just sighed and picked her scythe off of the ground using it as a walking stick almost.

"Well I actually came here to bring you to Wilbur. I'm sure you know we have been working on that van." Tommy began talking to Eret about some kind of van for potions but the girl tuned it out.

I tuned out the two men after I heard something about a van. It really didn't interest me all that much. I had to get back on track voice or not. I need to find why I wish to work with Tech. Why I wish to kill with him. What drives my bloodlust.


That was always the question.

It never went away.

At what point in life was the word why never not part of the equation?

We as humans never stop questioning

And yet my best friend sent me away to answer the question of my very drive and existence.

Why do I do what I do?

Why. Am. I. Me.

I was snapped out of my pondering by my name being called. I recognized the rough voice and it was Eret.

"Hey Tory! Your tea is done!"

His voice rang out into the air and I let out a fake smile. It takes a lot to actually make me happy. I walked over and gratefully took the tea cup.

Atleast I have a roof over my head while I figure all of this out. It's better than the snow.

❦𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫❦【 DreamSMP // Technoblade 】Where stories live. Discover now