How the wedding planning went

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MC is whatever gender, age, height, etc, you want them to be.

I won't write "When they cheat" because that is totally NOT like them to do, neither will i write "When you cheat" since I simply don't like writing break up and make up scenarios.


He was okay with anything so he let you do most of the planning. As long as he gets to marry you, he's okay, no matter how the wedding looks. So while you planned it, he sat aside you, petting Faust and pouring you some drinks so you stay hydrated, answering any questions you have and giving his opinion when you ask for it.


All her sisters helped her decide things and help her test some wedding outfits. She wanted the wedding to look gorgeous and a little expensive, but not too much, just that it looks fancy enough. If you want something else, she suggested mixing both your styles so that you can be both satisfied. When you asked what food you will both have, she chuckled and said she knows a certain courtier who has good taste in food so she's certain Volta can help you both decide what's the best food for at a wedding.


He's not sure how one even plans a wedding so he went to Nadia and awkwardly asked her for some help. The two talked for hours, so when he came back to you, he had a billion of ideas for the wedding written down in a book and sketches of looks for the weddings. When you chuckled and said he really seems to like this, he shrugged and said planning a wedding is actually rather fun before he excitedly wrote down another idea.


He doesn't know how a wedding is planned, so you did most of the planning with the help of your friends. When you ask him for his opinion, he will stare, not even sure about what you want his opinion before mumbling he's okay with anything. When you showed him a sketch of the general idea of how the wedding would look, he stared at it before smiling a little, saying he likes it and he can't wait to marry you.


She made some delicious snack so while you both planned the wedding, both had some snacks to eat during it. When you both came to a spot where you both didn't agree, she said there are many options out there so there has to be one you both like. Once it was done, she cheered, excitedly saying she can't wait for the wedding and she wishes to marry you as soon as possible. When you asked if she's sure about this planning and wedding decoration, she went serious and thought about it for a few minutes before she smiled, saying she thinks this is the perfect wedding so yes, she's sure about this planning.


He decided most of the planning since he likes to have the say in things. But if you wish to tell him what you would like at the wedding, he will listen and try to plan it in the wedding. If you and him have two very different styles for the wedding, he will try to mix it so you can both be happy. Once it the planning was done, he sighed and flopped down on his bed, saying wedding planning is more exhausting than it looks. When you asked him how he had time to plan a whole wedding when he has a land to run, he shrugged and said he has courtiers for a reason. In other words; he handed all his important, business work to the courtiers and he paid all his attention and energy into planning the wedding.


He was unsure what you would like, he wasn't even sure what he wanted himself, so both just sat at the table, unsure what to do. When you gave your idea, he said that sounds good. If you pick something that's a bit out of his comfort zone, he will ask you to pick something else because he doesn't really like that. Obviously a ton of wine will be at the wedding. When you


It was a proposal made in one second with no real thinking to it, and so did the wedding planning go. He just bought the most expensive and cool-looking things with no serious thinking.

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