"Yo, this looks epic!" (Y/n) looked around.

"L'Manburg is better. Anyway were on the prime path." Tommy says,

"Prime path?" (Y/n) tilted they're head.

"The prime path makes people subscribed," Tommy says.

"You heard that chat fuckin' subscribe." (Y/n) looked at her chat.

"Jesus, your something. What have you been doing lately Yumeiro?" Tommy asked,

"Playing hunger games and Osu. I haven't slept in a week." (Y/n) says monotoned.

"Wait what?" Tommy says.

"You heard me" (Y/n) says monotoned, he paused.

"So did you hear of the dream smp?" Tommy brushed off. (Y/n) wheezed.

"Hahaha! Just anywayyy, I heard of you guys through my chat." (Y/n) jokes.

During the walk, they made it to his house. They walked inside, there was someone already in there.

"Yumeiro." Tommy says,

"Ye?" (Y/n) says,

"Join me in the other vc," Tommy says.


They joined the voice chat with another person who was Tubbo. They both wore the same revolutionary outfits.

"Tubbo what are you doing?" Tommy asked,

"Hey!" (Y/n) said dragging out the 'y'.

"Hi! I was looking for you Tommy," Tubbo says.

"Don't look at his eyes, he'll cling to you." Tommy turns to them.

"He seems like a Cinnabon though, I'm Yumeiro!" (Y/n) walked up to him and patted his head.

"You're that Minecraft hunger games player!" Tubbo's eyes sparkled.

"Ayup! Friendship with Tommyinnit is over now it's friendship with Tubbo." (Y/n) says jokingly,

"You wanna meet the other locals Yumeiro?" Tommy asks,

"Shit I have to socialize? Welp let me just crack a cold one then." (Y/n) took a soda from her desk and cracked it open. The two laughed at her, Tommy's unique raspy like laugh taking over the other voices.

"Let's show you around, come on." Tommy walked away to the prime path. Tubbo followed next to them. The three of them walked around showing (Y/n) the different things. She checked discord to see a lot of people online.

"Let's go to the other voice chat," Tubbo says!

She nodded, they moved to the other voice chat. There were voices talking over. Walking on the path she spotted a UFO and lots of other towers.

"Tommy, who's this?" A deep voice asks. It was Wilbur.

"She's uh-" Tommy was cut off.

"Bababooey." (Y/n) interrupted, There was a pause, everyone was either chuckling or just confused.

"It's Yumeiro!" Tubbo says,

"Hi Yumeiro," George greeted, he was somewhere else in the sever.

"Isn't there supposed to be another one with her?" Wilbur asks,

"Do I sense another adorable bean? Yeah, Honeyclouds is coming a little later. He's busy right now." (Y/n) says,

"Adorable bean?" George questioned, he didn't get an answer.

"Alright come to L'Manburg," Wilbur says.

"Show me the way childs," (Y/n) petted Tommy's floofy hair.

"I'm not a child!!" He took her hand off,

"Fine, Tubbo lead the way!" (Y/n) says, she leaned on Tubbo's back with her hands and chin on his head.

"Okay?" Tubbo looked up at her.

(Y/n) had a lazy grin plastered on her face, no one saw it from the mask. Tommy groaned then smiled. She followed the two children to these walls. There were a few other people. It was Fundy, Eret, Niki, and Wilbur. She smirked under her mask. Behind them was a van on a piece of land that was surrounded by water.

"Welcome Yumeiro to L'Manburg, I'm the president, Wilbur Soot. The fox is my son Fundy, the one in the shades is Eret, the blonde one is Niki" He said politely.

"Your mature, I like you. The furry, shades, and softie are cool too." (Y/n) pointed towards them. The two smiles except for Fundy, he did not like being called a furry.

Dream has joined the server

Sapnap has joined the server

"So, Yumeiro, are you part of L'manburg or the dream team?" Wilbur asked.

"I haven't gotten to meet the dream team yet. I can't decide if I don't know both sides." (Y/n) tapped her mask.

"Fair enough," Wilbur smiled.

"We'll show you them," Fundy says looking at her. He had fox ears and a tail but besides that, he was mostly human.

"They're a bunch of bad guys," Tommy say.

"Well I don't know that till I meet them," (Y/n) shrugged.

I'm front of the entrance to the walls were three people. She looked at Fundy then looked back at them. One wearing a smiley mask, one wearing clout glasses, and the other wearing a bandanna.

"What's poppin?" (Y/n) greeted,

"Hey mamas," Sapnap says,

"This one, this one is my favorite." (Y/n) pointed towards him.

Tommy looked at her shocked and started to stutter, he didn't get his words out, Sapnap smirked. She walked to the van and leaned on the wall, Tapping her mask. L'Manburg and the Dream team around her but keeping their distance.

"I said hi earlier, I'm George. The one in the mask is Dream and the bandanna is Sapnap." George introduces,

"Ah so your the adorable little bean. Well someone else is supposed to be here with me but he'll be on a little later. Anyway, I'm the boss ass bitch Yumeiro!" (Y/n) says. Her thumb pressed against her thumb.

"Call him Goggy," Wilbur pointed to George.

"That sounds cooler. So this whole war? Is it a big thing right now?" (Y/n) tilted her head.

"It's a massive thing!" Tommy shouted,

"Pfftt that's what she said!" (Y/n) wheezed under her breath.

"What?!" Dream says, more like a shout.

"Wot! Wot!" (Y/n) mimicked Tommy's accent.

The others started to laugh at the scene. Suddenly, the discord join call noise went off.

Honeyclouds joined the server



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