Tell Erin and talking to Kendall

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Kenna was still quite fussy after Kendall left

"What is it sweetie?" Logan asks as he holds her in his arms hoping to calm her down a little bit

Kenna was reaching for the door

"Princess daddy left us cause mommy told him that she is happy with someone else, and I don't know if that was the right move for you and your sister" he says as he gets up to look at Kendall who was driving away once again out of Logan's life

Erin and Isabel return a few minutes later

"Hi daddy" Isabel says as she runs to him

'Hi Isabel did you have fun at preschool?" he asks as she snuggles close to him

"Yes and i can't wait to go to school" Isabel says to him

"Is Kenna still fussy?" Erin asks him

"Yeah she woke up when Kendall was here" Logan says as he goes and gets on of the paci's for Kenna hoping that will get her to settle down on her own once again. He could tell that she was still sleepy still

"Why was Kendall here?" Erin asks him

"He wants to give it another go, and I told him that I am happy with you" Logan says as he grabs a paci for Kenna

"Logan I'll perfectly understand if you want to go back to him, and I will always be here when you need me, and I'll keep the ring just in case Kendall and you are done for good" she says as she leaves the kitchen to go pack her things to leave the house cause she could tell that Logan was still on the fence with this since Kendall got him pregnant

"Thanks Erin, and I will always be here for you too, and if you end up pregnant I'll help you care for the little one" Logan says as he approaches the bedroom where she was getting ready to start packing

"Mommy are you leaving?" Isabel asks her when she sees the suitcase out

"Yes right now I'm going to give daddy some time to think things over cause he still loves your other daddy, and they might things out for you and your sisters" Erin says to her

Soon Isabel starts to cry

"No mommy don't go" she says as she hugs Erin's leg

"Erin just stay I want to make sure Kendall won't do this to me again, and if he does we are through for good" Logan says as he comes over to give her a kiss

"Okay I hate to make Isabel cry anyways" Erin says as she puts the suitcase away

Logan decided to take Kenna over to Kendall's place cause she was clearly upset and nothing Logan did was working, so he hoped that Kendall might be able to help get Kenna to calm down and go back to sleep for him

(Kendall's place)

""Since you ain't settling down for mommy we will see if daddy can anything to get you to go back to sleep" Logan says as he gets Kenna out of her car seat

Kenna was still an unhappy camper for mommy as he carried her up to daddy's place. Logan rang the doorbell and waited on Kendall to come and answer the door

"Logan what do i owe this visit/" Kendall asks as he crosses his arms

"I thought you could help me get Kenna to settle down cause i trued everything feeding, changing, burping, playing to see what her problem was, and no dice" Logan says as he comes in with Kenna who still was very fussy

"Sure I'll be happy to help cause I can tell she isn't happy" Kendall says as he goes and gets his guitar to see if a lullaby will help her go to sleep 

Kendall starts playing and singing the song that he picked out for her. While Logan rocked her in his arms

"Go to sleep Kenna" Logan says when Kendall stopped singing for a little bit

Soon Kenna started to calm down on her own, and her cries go to cooing sounds

"There is that better huh?" Kendall asks as he stops playing the guitar and looks at Kenna who was looking at both her mommy and daddy with her beautiful eyes

"Kendal we should give it another go for her sake, as well as Isabel's and Dillion's" Logan says as he continues to rock Kenna in his arms as she starts to settle down and go back to sleep

"Yeah i think she misses me most of all she senses that I'm not there" Kendall says as he strokes Kenna's little foot

"Yeah me and Erin are going to share Isabel, and we can have the twins" Logan says as he continues to rock Kenna whose lip started to quiver again

"That sounds like a plan cause I think Isabel really hates me after I was going to do to Cupcake" Kendall says with a chuckle

"It's okay Kenna I'm here" Logan says as he continues to rock Kenna in his arms

"Something is bugging her Logie" Kendall says when Kenna starts to cry again

"I think so too" Logan says as he looks in Kenna's mouth to see if she was cutting another tooth

Logan didn't see anything in her mouth

"She feels warm Logie" Kendall says to Logan as he feels kenna's forehead

"I'm taking her to the emegency room to see what is going on with her" Logan says as he gets up with her in his arms

"Will it be okay if i come too Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Sure it's best cause it looks like she wants daddy to come with her" Logan says as he grabs the diaper bag that he brought just in case Kendall was going to keep Kenna with him for a little bit after he got her to settle down

Kendall decided he was going to drive since Kenna didn't want to be in her car seat at all, and she wanted to be held by mommy the whole way to the hospital

"Mommy hates when you are in pain baby girl" Logan says as he continues to rock Kenna in his arms as Kendall drove to the hospital, so Kenna could be seen by the doctor that was on call

Kenna screamed the whole way to the hospital, and Kendall and Logan hated it, but she need medical care

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