Abby sees her grandparents

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"Abby are you ready to see your grandparents now?" Logan asks her after Isabel got her arm in a cast

Abby nods happily to him as they get into the elevators, so she could see her grandparents one last time

"That's good they will probably want to hear about your day at school, and how your first day went" Logan says to her as they head up to the floor that her grandparents were on

Once the group entered the floor that Abby grandparents were on Logan went to the window to see what room were they in, so Abby could see them one last time since they weren't going to be raising her anymore due to their age and the accident that happened while they were going to go grocery shopping for groceries for Abby

"Yes can you tell me what room or rooms Abby grandparents are in please?" Logan asks the nurse as the group approached the window to see about Abby grandparents

"How old is she?" The nurse asks him

"I don't know right now, but I'm sure her grandparents know though" Logan says to the nurse

The nurse goes back to asks Abby grandparents to see how old she was, so she could come back to see her grandparents who were in the ICU getting care and everything

"I hope she can go back cause I think Abby is missing them right now" Erin says to Logan as they waited on the nurse to come back

"I think so too" Logan says to Erin when the nurse came back with news if Abby could go back to see her grandparents who were back there in the ICU

"Abby here is too young to come back to see her grandparents" the nurse says to Logan and Erin who were waiting by the door to bring Abby back in to see her grandparents

"They are the only family that she has right now" Logan says to the nurse that came back to her desk to sit down

"Her parents left her when she was a baby, so can she go back and see them before they go to a nursing home where she won't have no contact with them at all once they are in a nursing home, so can you please let her in to see them please?" Logan asks the nurse again

"Okay since they were raising her and her baby sister that just got dumped on them as well" the nurse tells Logan and Erin

"Wait she has a baby sister" Logan says when he hears about the baby that her grandparents had in their midst

"Don't tell me Abby parents gave up their rights to the baby too" Erin says to the nurse

"Yes they did once Abby sees her grandparents she can go see her baby sister who is down in the nursery at the moment being tended to by the nurses in the maternity ward

"This is going to be a challenge in itself" Erin says as they head into the ICU to see Abby's grandparents before they head to a nursing home to live the rest of their lives

"Yes I think we are going to be okay with the kids babe I can feel it in my bones about it" Logan says as they head to Abby's grandparents room so she could see them one last time

"This is her grandfather's room" the nurse says as she stops at the room in question

"Is he asleep?" Logan asks the nurse

"I think so since he just had surgery to repair his heart" the nurse says to him as they head for the grandmother's room to see about her, and how she was doing at the moment since she was recovering from her stroke that she had in the car

Her grandmother was awake and was wanting to see her granddaughter

"Hey baby how was your first day of preschool?" Abby grandmother asks her when she came into the room

"Good" Abby says to her grandmother as she climbed onto the bed, so she could snuggle with her grandmother a little bit since she couldn't stay long in the ICU due to her age and everything

"I see you made a friend today baby girl" Abby grandmother says to her as she cuddles with her for a little bit

Abby nods at that question

"Sweetie what is your name?" Abby grandmother asks Abby friend who was by her daddy

"Isabel" Isabel says shyly to the older lady that was in the room

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl" Abby grandmother said to her

"Thank you" Isabel said to the older lady

"You are quiet welcome" Abby grandmother said to her as she continues to talk to Abby to ask her about her day in general

Abby grandmother continued to talk to Abby for a little bit to see what she did in school that day, and what her favorite part was as she had a snack brought up for Abby cause they did a snack ritual back where they used to live before they moved to a new school

"Are you enjoying your snack Abby?" Her grandmother asks as she goes through Abby's backpack for paperwork that needed to be signed and returned to the school the next school day

"We are going to take good care of her and the baby" Logan says to the older lady that was in her hospital bed

"Yeah Abby and Isabel are going to be sharing a bedroom and everything" Logan says to reassure Abby grandmother

"Thank you I'm sure me and her grandfather can take care of her no matter what the circumstance is" Abby grandmother says to Logan and Erin

"The doctor's told us you two are going to a nursing home cause of the heart attack and the stroke that you guys had" Erin says to Abby grandmother

"We are going to try to get an independent living apartment for us, so we can continue raising these girls as our own" Abby's grandmother says to Logan and Erin

"What happens if you guys can't have an apartment?" Logan asks

"Then you guys can raise the girls until we can get better, and care for them" Abby's grandmother says to Logan and Erin

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