Bad stomach virus

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Logan was sleeping like a little lamb when he was woken up by a wave of nausea.

"Oh no" he says running to the bathroom to empty his stomach

Logan ends up vomiting for a good thirty minutes before he could rinse out his mouth

"Well I'm not eating there ever again" he says as he goes to the kitchen to make himself something light for breakfast

He was able to stomach toast and tea for breakfast. Since today was a free day Logan decided to go out and skateboard for a little bit before deciding on what he was going to do next

(Much later)

"That air really helped now I'm hungry" he says going to the kitchen to have something light for lunch before deciding on what he was going to do next

After Logan had lunch he decided to go for a ride on his motorcycle to get his mind clear off his stomach

"Hey Logan" James says when he sees his friend

"Hey James" Logan says

"You want to come surf with me for a little bit?" James asks him

"Not right now I'm feeling a bit under the weather" Logan tells him

"I hope you feel better buddy" James tells him

"I hope so too" Logan says as he heads out to get something for his stomach

Logan had to pull over and empty his stomach once again

"Ugh this won't end" he says as he keeps throwing up

After Logan was done emptying his stomach he got back on his bike and continued to head for the supermarket to get things that he could eat. While he waits for this stomach virus to pass


"I think this should hold me off for a while" he says as he puts the groceries in the little compartment he has on his bike

When Logan got home and he put away the groceries. He took a nap for three hours cause he felt sleepy all of a sudden

"Something is definitely wrong" he says as he lays down and takes a three hour nap

(Three hours later)

"That felt really good" he says as he wakes up and stretches and heads for the kitchen cause he was hungry and was in search for food

"I'm in the mood for a basic peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner" he says as he heads to the cabinets to look for the peanut butter

Logan felt satisfied with his meal choice, and dug into his sandwich

"That's good I think I might have an apple with this" he says going to the fridge to look for an apple to munch on

There wasn't no apples so instead he made himself an ice cream sundae with every ice cream topping out there

"Yeah that's the stuff" he says as he digs in

After he let his stomach digest he decided to go for a bike ride to burn off the dinner that he had. On the way home he stopped for a little snack cause he was hungry, and needed something to eat

"Oh I got to get home I have work in the morning" he says looking at his watch

When Logan got home he noticed his stomach muscle started to go soft

"Oh no" he says when he sees it in the mirror after he got out of the shower

Logan knew he had to hit the gym if he wanted that muscle back

"Tomorrow I am hitting the gym again to build it back up" he says as he gets into his pajamas and goes to bed
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