Logan's preterm labor

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"Logan you okay?" Kendall asks as they were leaving the doctor's office to go home with Abby and see the others especially the twins since they want to tackle their one sister

"I don't know i want to go to the hospital and see if this is it" Logan says as he looks at Kendall

Kendall was going to call James and Carlos and see if one of them could bring the bag to the hospital cause Logan might be in labor with the boys and he had to be calm if this was the real thing

"I'll call Dr. Buttercream as we head there and she will see if this is it" Kendall says as he helps Logan into the car to head for the hospital

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as they headed to the car again to head to the hospital to see if this was it

When Logan had a contraction he would lean into Kendall and Kendall would comfort him the best he could right now since he was pregnant as well

"It's going to be okay Logie" Kendall says as they were heading to the car

"Okay Abby I am going to have Uncle James or Carlos take you home while i am with papa and you can get some yummy frozen treats for your throat would you like that?" Kendall asks her

She nods as she looks at him since her throat was bugging her and a cold treat sounded good right now 

"Okay bug I will see if they can come and get you at the hospital cause we are going there now to see if papa is going to be having the babies or what is going on with papa" Kendall says as they were heading out to the van that had the car seats in so they could get going 

James was going to meet Kendall and Logan at the hospital and he was going to take Abby as well as her siblings for ice cream and get her some treats to help her and Abby was okay with that cause she knew it was not fair that she got ice cream and her siblings didn't. Plus James was going to bring the bag to the hospital as well just in case this was it and Logan was going to be having the triplets as well  


"Okay Abby you ready to get ice cream?" James asks her as he picks her up 

She nods as she lays her head on James shoulder as Kendall got Logan out of the van so they could head into the hospital and see if he was in labor with the little one's 

"Bye sweetie i will call you and your siblings later to  let you know about papa" Kendall says as he kisses her cause she needed that love from daddy and papa as well

"Kendall they are in good hands with me and Los and Carlos is willing to stay up all night if need be" James says as he buckles Abby in her car seat so they could get going to the ice cream shop

"I feel good about that and if they are hyper it is your fault" Kendall says as he goes into the hospital with Logan who was in a lot of pain 

James helps Kendall with Logan since Kendall was pregnant himself 

"Thanks again buddy" Kendall says as a nurse pushes Logan so Kendall could get him registered 

"Welcome it is going to be okay Kendall she is in good hands with us just focus on Logan right now he needs you" James says as he leave to go and be with Carlos since he had the kids and they might get on his nerves 

"Thank I know it will they will see if they can stop labor" Kendall says as he heads into the hospital with Logan as he was breathing like he did when he had the twins a year ago 

Kendall got Logan all registered and they went up to his room to wait on the doctor to come to see what was going to happen with Logan and the boys 

(Logan's room)

 "It feels different being in a room this time around" Logan says as they came into his room where he was going to be

"You want to change into your gown?" Kendall asks him as he gets the gown out for Logan  

"Oh yeah might as well" Logan says as he goes into the bathroom to change into his gown  


"Ow ow ow ow" Logan says as another contraction came on

"Hey Logan" Dr. Buttercream says as she came into the room with her little bump 

"Hey Doc" Logan says as he got ready for the Dr. to check him to see where he was with his labor and if the boys were going to be coming that day   

Dr. Buttercream checked Logan to see where he was with his labor 

"You are at two centimeters right now so we can stop labor and have the babies wait a little longer before they come or we take them" Dr. Buttercream says to him after she had checked him

"Will he have to be admitted?" Kendall asks her

"Yes he will so we can monitor the babies just in case they go into stress" Dr. Buttercream says to Kendall and Logan 

"I am ready" Logan says as he looks at Kendall after a while

"Okay if you're sure Logie" Kendall says as he looks at Logan  

"Okay we will get you admitted" Dr. Buttercream says as she leaves the room to get the medicine for Logan so labor can stop 

"I guess we ain't going anywhere" Kendall says as he was going to get comfy as well with his baby bump

"Nope we are parking it right here" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as he touches Kendall's baby bump 

"It gives us time to think of names for the babies" Kendall says as he was going to look at baby names on his phone cause they needed to give these babies names  

"Oh yeah we got to come up with names for these little guys" Logan says as he was referring to his bump where the triplets were at the moment just hanging out  

"We better get a jump on it" Kendall says as he looks at him as he was coming over to snuggle with Logan for a little bit to make him comfortable 

"Yes we better" Logan says as they kiss as they started with their list 

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