The twins start cutting teeth

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After the first of the year Erin moved in with Logan cause they decided to wait for New Year's eve to get married, so they could always remember their anniversary year after year

"It feels so good to be married to you" Erin says after she finished unpacking all of her belongings in Logan's house

"It feels good to have you here cause i know that you aren't going to cheat on me with another man" he says as he pulls her in for a kiss cause he felt really good about this decision

"Yeah I can't wait to have the girls call me mommy, and you daddy the way it should be" she says as she lays on the bed cause all of the girls were napping at the moment

"The twins will call me mommy for a bit cause i carried them, and later I'll fix it to where they are calling me dada instead of mama" he says as he lays next to her

"Plus I'm glad Kendall is completely out of the picture, and Isabel and the babies don't have to deal with that ever again" Erin says as she snuggles close to Logan cause she felt cold and she needed to be warmed up

"Me too we can put this all behind us, and Isabel can have Cupcake as her dog who she loves. Then the twins can have a pet when they get older cause I won't deny them a request to have a pet like Kendall did with Isabel, and not letting her have Cupcake. That was plain wrong" Logan says as he looks at the pictures of Isabel and Cupcake

"Yeah Cupcake is very protective of Isabel, and Isabel looks out for Cupcake" Erin says when Cupcake comes into the bedroom to let Logan know something was wrong with one of the girls

"What is it Cupcake?" he asks the dog

Cupcake starts to bark at him

"Okay I'm coming" he says as he follows Cupcake to where she was going

Cupcake leads him to the twins nursery to where the twins were crying at the top of their lungs

"Good girl cupcake" he says as he gives her a treat cause she sensed that something was wrong with the twins and they needed help from daddy

"What's wrong my adorable girls?" he asks as he gets them out of their crib to hold them

The twins continued to cry as he continued to hold them in his arms

"Come on downstairs cause sissy is still sleeping and we must not disturb her cause she hates being woken up from her nap" he says as he takes the twins downstairs to see what was bugging them

Erin had two bottles ready, and the twins weren't hungry at the moment

"Do you guys did a new diaper?' he asks as he goes back upstairs to their nursery to see if they needed changed at the moment

"You guys are wet, and that is all what is troubling you girls?" he asks as he takes them back down, so Isabel doesn't wake-up from the sounds of her sisters crying really loud

"Hand me a baby Logan" Erin says when she sees him at the bottom of the stairs

"Here you can take sweet Dilly cause she isn't as loud as Kenna right right

"Could it be colic?" Erin asks him

"It could be?" he asks as he puts Kenna on his shoulder to see if she had a bad bubble in her tummy that was bugging her so bad

"No bubble" he says after he patted her back, and nothing came out

'Dillion had a bubble on her tummy, but she still isn't happy at all" Erin says as she puts Dillion back in her arms

"Hang on I'm going to get the tiny flashlight from the kitchen to see if i can see inside of their mouth cause i can't see cause their tongue is in the way" he says as he goes back into the kitchen to get the tiny flashlight from the kitchen drawer

Logan turns on the light and shines the light in Kenna mouth

'Ah ha there's the problem" he says when he sees something in her mouth

"What is it?" Erin asks him

"It appears Kenna is getting her first tooth" he says as he shines the light in Dillion's mouth to see of she had something in her mouth as well

"Does she?' Erin asks him

"Yes she does they both have a tooth coming in, so that is what causing their pain" he says as he goes into the kitchen to grab two teethings rings for the twins to gum on to help with the pain that they were havining in their mouth from the tooth coming in

"How long will this last?' Erin asks him

"Not long i hope and the twins are back to their happy and bubbly selves soon cause they have a bit of a cold that is accompanying the tooth that is coming in" he says as he grabs a kleenex to wipe Kenna nose cause her nose was running a bit

"Are we going to sleep tonight?" Erin asks as she wiped Dilly's nose

"I don't know right now I hope we do, and if we don't that's fine cause we will have time between the tetth coming in to catch up on our sleep" he says as he sits down with kenna with was gumming on her teething ring that daddy pulled from the fridge

"Well Dillion loves her teething ring" Erin says wehn she sees Dillion gum on her teething ring

"I can tell hopefully that tooth comes through for her with the way she is teething on that teething ring" he says as he accpet Dillion from Erin

Erin was going to see about Isabel and to see if she was still sleeping like a good little girl

"Daddy hates to see you girls in pain like this" he says to the twins who were happily gumming on their teething ring like crazy cause that tooth was making them completely unhappy at the moment

The twins babble to each other and to him while they gum on their teething ring

"Next is crawling for you two" he says as he kisses each of their heads as he rocks them in his arms

After a while the twins started to fall back to sleep in his arms

"Sweet dreams girls" he says as he sits on the couch with them

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