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Logan was excited to celebrate Thanksgiving with just him and Isabel right now cause the twins were too little to enjoy what Thanksgiving had to offer

"Morning papa" Isabel says as she comes down with Cupcake by her side

"Morning princess happy Thanksgiving" he tells her

"Papa what's Thanksgiving?" She asks him

"Let me tell you a story of Thanksgiving to help you understand it a bit better" he says as he sits her on his lap to tell her about the pilgrims and the indians who started Thanksgiving in the first place


"That was the story of the first Thanksgiving I hope you were able to understand it" he says to her

"I did a little bit papa" she says as she goes into the room to see what was on for her to watch that morning

"Isabel aren't you forgetting something?" He asks her

"Oh yeah Cupcake" Isabel calls to her dog

Cupcake comes right to Isabel without a problem, and Logan helps Isabel take Cupcake out to the backyard to do her business before the babies wake up from their slumber


"Good girl Cupcake" Isabel says as her and papa come back into the house

Logan hears the girls wake up on the monitor

"Coming girls" he says as he goes and gets them

Logan quickly changes them and puts on my first Thanksgiving onesie that he bought for them to wear during the day

"You girls look beautiful now to take you girls downstairs for your bottle cause you girls look hungry" he says as he takes them downstairs for their breakfast

Logan put the twins in their bouncers to play while he made breakfast for all three girls

"Isabel breakfast is ready" he calls to her

"Coming papa" she tells him

Isabel sits at her table and starts eating breakfast while papa was busy with the babies and feeding them

(After breakfast)

"Done papa" Isabel says happily

"Okay Isabel" he says as he burps each of the twins after they had their breakfast

Isabel feeds Cupcakes her breakfast of puppy food while papa was busy with the babies

"Cupcake" Isabel calls to her dog

Cupcake comes running into the kitchen for her breakfast

"Here you go girl" Isabel says as she feeds her dog breakfast

Logan wasn't feeling any festive, so he decided to.take the girls to the park to play after breakfast, and if Isabel wanted to stay longer he packed a picnic for the two of them


"Papa look I see daddy" Isabel says when she saw her daddy at the park

Logan was hurt when he saw Kendall with someone else really fast, so he decided to leave before Kendall saw them

"Stay with me please Isabel" Logan tells her

"Okay papa" she says to him

Logan takes the stroller above the playground, so the twins could be in the shade while Isabel played

"What do you guys want out of your stroller?" He asks the twins

Logan gets the girls out and lays them on the blanket while still keeping tabs on Isabel who was playing by herself cause there weren't no other kids at the playground around that time


"Isabel are you hungry sweetie?" He asks her

Isabel comes running up to him

"I packed your favorite" he tells her

Isabel and Logan said grace before they ate their meal


All three girls were tuckered out from the park, so Logan put them to bed. After he put them to bed he decided to order Thanksgiving dinner for him and for Isabel cause he wasn't in no mood to cook at all

Sorry its short, but they will continue to be longer from here on out go vote and comment on this story

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