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The group headed back and found out that Tricia was going to be the one taking care of them once again so they were going to speak to the main guy to see if they could have someone else and if they could not have anyone else they were going to go to a different funeral home definitely, and they were going to do the funeral and the calling hours through that funeral home cause they knew they were not going to be treated right at all at this particular funeral home and if they go to a different funeral home they might be treated better then at this funeral home

"I am sorry I don't think you will be the right fit to help us handle the arrangements for our parents funeral and you are being a bully right now with the money" the oldest says to Tricia cause he was not going to have his siblings be treated in such a rude manner when it came to planning a funeral for their parents

"Well, you are going to be stuck with me no matter what, and my boss told me whoever I get and if they ask for a different funeral director, they will get me no matter what" Tricia says to them as she sat down with her tablet

The kids were going to have their parents be moved to a different funeral home for sure and they were going to go from there with the funeral arrangements for the parents cause they knew they had to break up the calling hours and the funerals as well cause the funeral home could not have the funerals together at all and the kids were okay with that

(Funeral number one)

The kids were going to bury their mom first cause it was going to be a little easier on them cause the girls were going to go to pieces when they bury their dad cause all of them were daddy's girls in someway shape or form and the in laws has asked him walk them down the aisle at their wedding cause their dad was either passed away or not in the picture anymore so they felt like an outcast and they did not want their mother to walk them down the aisle either cause they weren't in the picture either or they passed away as well and they did not want nobody else to walk them down the aisle as well or nobody else wanted to walk them down the aisle in their fathers place so that dad stepped up and walked them down the aisle so they had that memory as well of someone walking them down the aisle to their groom he didn't hold onto them as much either if they didn't want to have that feeling of someone hanging onto them

"Mom looked good last night" the one girl says as she want to come early and check on things before the service got started for the one parent cause they had to break them up cause the funeral home had two services going on that day so the father was going to be buried the next day with proper military services at the end of his funeral service cause his was going to be longer then his wife cause all of the girls wanted to talk or perform a piece as well for his service cause they were going to do the same thing for their mom as they were doing for their dad as well cause the boys wanted to recite a poem for both parents but they were going to be different poems as well for the parents cause they were doing different poems that had different meanings for their parents which made a lot of sense as well cause as the kids were growing up they would accuse each other of copycat off of them and that was not nice at all so they went the different poems and made sure no one else had that same poem as well and if they did there was going to be a full out war between the two of them or three if three went with the same poem as well and they talkked to each other for hours to decided on who was going to do what poem and perform a piece as well on piano, keyboard or flute and Kendall and Logan were going to bring the girls to the service cause the one asked to have two last sleepovers witht heir foster family before the big move happens

"Yeah and you did a great job on her with the hair and makeup really looked like her on Sunday when we go to church" the other daughter tells her as she was going to get her keyboard set up cause she was going to be playing wind beneath my wings for the service and she was going to do a military piece for her dad's service cause his service was going to be bigger as well cause they were doing two calling hours for him that way his buddies can pay their respects to him either the next day that night and they were going to come to the funeral home that night together as a unit to give him one final salute before the casket was closed for good

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