Mini vacation

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Logan was crying when he saw each of the girls have a word on their shirt and when they lined up it spelled" will you marry our daddy" on it

"Logan Phillip Henderson will you marry me and become Logan Philip Schmidt?" Kendall asks as he was down on one knee with the ring that stood for all of the kids that they had so for and they could add on it as they expanded their family down the road

Logan was crying tears of joys that night

"Yes Kendall I'll marry you" Logan says as he looked at Kendall after a while

"Girls papa said yes" Kendall says to all of the girl who were watching the scene before them that night cause it was very beautiful and they were going to have a family that loves and cares about them

The girls were very excited, but the babies wanted to sleep right now, so they didn't care

"Okay my angels I think it's bedtime for you" Kendall says as he picks up the twins who weren't very happy at all they wanted to sleep

Logan got the other babies and they started to walk back to the huge cabin for the night cause the older ones wanted to stay up for a bit that night with their parents after the babies were tucked in their cribs

"Girls we can have s'mores once get back to the cabin" Kendall says to Logan and the girls as they were heading back to the cabin that night to get ready for bed and just relax

"I think i saw a fondue machine too girls" Logan says to them as they walked back to the cabin that night cause Kendall and Logan were going to have the girls  

The girls were excited for that and that meant that might be up all night

"I think when we get back to the cabin I think the babies will be ready for bed" Kendall says to Logan as he was carrying most of the babies 

"I think so too and then we might as well stay here for a mini vacation" Logan says to Kendall as they walked to the cabin

"Yeah I think a vacation from the norm will be perfect for us and we can enjoy the girls and each other" Kendall says to Logan as they were still walking to the cabin

Once at the cabin Kendall and Logan put all of the babies to bed and went down to be with the girls so they could start their vacation away from everything and they could focus on each other and the triplets that was going to

"Okay girls how about some chocolate and we can have s'mores maybe tomorrow night" Kendall says as he starts the machine for the fondue

The older girls were excited for that

"I like only fruit papa" Izzy says as she was putting her fruit in the chocolate

"That's fine Izzy and Abby you like anything" Kendall says as he saw the little girl go to town with everything that Kendall put out for Logan to have since he was hungry and was eating for four now

Abby nods as she was having her chocolate fix before bed that night

"Looks like daddy brought Cupcake here too" Logan says as he saw the dog sleeping in one part of the house

Izzy was happy that she saw her dog after all of this time cause she had missed Cupcake and she was wondering where her dog went too cause she didn't see her when she came home from school much

"I think Cupcake is happy to see you Izzy" Logan says when he was cut off by one of the babies moving

"You okay papa?" Izzy asks a little concern as Abby came over as well to see about papa too cause she was a little concerned about her papa as well

"I think one of the babies moved" Logan says as he was looking down at his bump

"Can i feel?" Abby asks him

"Sure both of you can feel the babies move and it will be a while until they are kicking then you girls will be able to talk to the babies all you want until they come" Logan says as he went to lay down so the girls could talk to their siblings a little bit before bed that night

"Kenny i think one of the triplets might be a girl?" Logan says as he looked at Kendall who came into the room with Abby's baby sister Camille who was wide awake and looking around

"Why do you say that Logie?" Kendall asks him 

"I have been eating a lot of dairy lately along with the meat and everything so we have have two boys and a girl" Logan says as he was letting the girls talk to his stomach a little bit since the babies were loving hearing their big sister's voices talk to them instead of mommy and daddy always talking to them

"Maybe I hope your right and there is a girl in there" Kendall says as he came over to talk to Logan's stomach as well to see if the babies will move for him as well that night

"I hope so I have a lot of girls clothes i would like to use and put to good use as well" Logan says as he was referring to when the twins were little cause he had bought a lot of girl clothes and the twins never got to wear them much at all they were always in sleepers or they didn't ruin their clothes much

"Camille it's okay daddy has you pumpkin" Kendall says as he was trying to keep the baby calm as he was walking with her a little bit cause she started to get a little fussy after he went to check on her

"Give her to me Kenny she might want mommy to hold her" Logan says as he held his arms out for the baby that was very fussy right now

Kendall gave Camille too Logan and Logan rubbed her back and started to talk to her ever so gently to soothe her cries a little bit before bed that night 

"It might be she has colic" Logan says to Kendall cause she was still fussy as she was being held by papa

"I'll see what we can do to get her to calm down" Kendall says as Abby and Izzy went back to the fondue that was in the kitchen for some more chocolate 

"It's okay Camille daddy and papa will help you" Logan says as he was comforting the baby girl who was not happy at all 

Logan tried some remedies of his own to get her to settle down on her own while he waited for Kendall to come with some more remedies for the baby that was still fussy as could be 

"Tonight baby you will sleep with us" Logan says as he got up with Camille to walk around a little bit 

"For sure she can I can see that we will be up all night with her" Kendall says as he comes in with his tablet that had some remedies that they could use for the colic situation with little Camille 

"But it will be worth it" Logan says as he gets the girls so they could go to bed that night cause if they have too much chocolate they will be bouncing off the walls completely and both parents will not be able to sleep that night at all which will not be good at all 

Kendall grabbed the twins and took them to their rooms for bed that night as well 

V & C

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