Talking to Kendall about the dog

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"Papa are you going to talk to daddy about Cupcake?" Isabel asks that night when Logan tucked her in for the night

"Yes and I don't know if he will say yes to letting you keep Cupcake, and if we need to give cupcake up you have to be brave about letting Cupcake go" he says as he tucks her in her bed

Isabel was still upset

"Oh baby don't cry it's going to be okay I'll try everything to talk daddy into letting you keep Cupcake" he says as he holds Isabel close to him

Logan stroked her pretty hair that was wshed that night, and rocked her in his arms trying to calm her down, so she could go to sleep that night

"Try to get some sleep Isabel I'll let you know in the morning if daddy said yes" Logan says as he lays her back in her bed and covers her up

Logan tucks her in and gives her a kiss on her forehead

"Night Isabel I love you" he tells her

"Night papa I love you too" she says to him as she closes her pretty eyes

"Love you too lady bug" he says as he leaves the room to go help Kendall with the babies


"Hey Dilly girl" Logan says as he approaches her crib

Dillion looks up at her papa as he picks her up to take her to the changing table, so he could give her a bath that night in her little bath tub

"Tonight Dillion you get your first bath" he says as he continues to undress her

Logan puts her little robe on her as he takes her to the bathroom for her bath

"There we go Dilly girl" he says as he lays her in the tub

Dillion loved the water that was on her and the shampoo that mommy put in her hair to make to smell clean

"There we go all done now to give your sister a bath" he says as he takes her to the nursery to get her ready for bed

"Hey Logie" Kendall says when he sees his fiance 

"Hey Kenny" Logan says as he comes in with Dillion who just had a bath

"Here I can do Dillion while you bathe Kenna" Kendall says as he hands Logan the other baby that was undressed

"After we bathe and twins and while I'm nursing them can i talk to you about something?" Logan asks him

"If it's about the dog my answer still no" Kendall says to him

"Yes it's about the dog and Isabel is really heartbroken that she has to give Cupcake up really fast" Logan says from the bathroom where he started bathing Kenna

"I don't care Logan my answer is still no to a dog" Kendall says to him

"She will be really upset if you tell her that she can't keep Cupcake" Logan says as he comes back in with Kenna who loved her bath that night as well

"I don't care she is too young to have a dog and with the babies being around I don't like the idea of having a dog here" Kendall says as he wraps Dillion up in a blanket

"Can we at least do a trial with Cupcake to see if she can really handle the dog by herself?" Logan asks as he continues to dress Kenna in her pajama onsie 

"I am saying no to the trial as well, and i doubt that Isabel will remember to feed and play with the dog, and what happens if the dog gets mean around the babies what will we do then Logan" kendall says as he takes over dressing Dillion and getting her ready for her night feeding

"Right now the dog is just a puppy, and I don't see any harm in Isabel having a puppy on top of her fishes that she already has to take care of" Logan says as he gets ready to feed the twins

Kendall decides to leave cause Logan kept trying to talk him into Isabel keeping the dog with two babies around

"Okay Kenna mommy will feed you" Logan says as he goes over and gets her to feed her her meal before she goes to bed

As Logan fed the twins he kept coming up with ways of letting Cupcake stay, so Isabel wouldn't be heartbroken ar all


"There you guys are fed and changed and ready for bed" Logan says as he puts the twins int heir bassinets for the night

Dillion and Kenna let out a cute little yawn that was too precious and it melt Logan's heart

"Night my darling daughters I will see you in two hours for your other feeding" he says as he covers them up and gives them a kiss on ther foreheads before leaving the room to go check on Isabel to make sure she was alright before he goes to bed himself

Logan sees that Isabel was sitting up in her bed crying up a storm

"Isabel sweetie what is it?" he asks her as he picks her up to comfort her

"That daddy won't let me keep Cupcake" she tells him

"If we lived by ourselves i would let you keep Cupcake and i will help you take care of Cupcake until you were old enough to care for him/her yourself" he says as he holds her tight in his arms

"If daddy won't let me keep Cupcake i will run away and find a new family that will let me keep Cucpake" she tells him

"Don't worry this time i will tell daddy if he doesn't let you keep Cucpake that you will run away and never return to us" Logan says as he tucks her in for the night once again

That made Isabel feel a lot better of having Cupcake stay there instead of going some place where she can't see cupcake at all

(Master bedroom)

"Kendall you better let Isabel keep Cupcake or else" Logan says as he comes into the master furious

"Or else what my little Logie?" Kendall asks as he wraps his arms around the brunet

"I will leave you and take the girls with me cause I don't need you to help me raise the girls cause i can raise them by myself without your help" Logan says as he goes and gets a suitcase cause this was serious

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