Part 3

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The funeral was ready to start and everyone was getting their seats for the service and there was no sign of the minister who was going to be doing both services and the kids were getting worried that one of them were going have to be ordained really fast to do the funeral service for both parents and the son in laws were going to get ordained quickly cause they had brought their work laptop with them so they were going to get online and get ordained if the minister did not show in the next few minutes they were going to put the funeral on hold while they go online to get ordained as a minister for the ceremony cause they were going to do both ceremonies for their parents or their in-laws

"Well might as well get this over with" the one says cause he was going to go first to get ordained cause his wife was going to go next cause they were the stronger ones of the group that could hold it together for the funerals so they were just gong to get it over with and the funeral could get started


"Well I am officially a minister" the one says cause he was going to print his certificate that will show he was a minister cause the one who they got never showed up and that was making everyone mad right now that they paid this guy money to do the service and this is how they get repaid and that was not right so they were going to se if this guy rips others off like he did to them

"That's good let's get this show on the road" the other one says cause the funeral home was getting tired of waiting but they knew it was going to take a process to get ordained and the one was going to ban that minister from doing more funerals through that funeral home cause he had scammed the family out of their money and that was not right at all so they were going to warn others about the scam and then they were going to go from there as well

The one had to get the service what they had wrote down ready and the funeral home understood that cause that was going to be fun in itself as well and that was not going to be easy doing their parents or in laws funeral at all cause it was going to hurt unless one does one service while the other does the other service for the funeral that way it wasn't too much on them at all which made a lot of sense as well cause if the girls were up to do their father's funeral they could cause they went with the moms funeral first the fathers funeral was going to be following the next day cause they had the calling hours the same day as the mother funeral just so they could get it all done and taken care of as well and everyone was taking off work for a while so they could get things more cleaned up and taken care of and the ones who were adopting the girls could start the process with that cause they will be traveling back and forth for the adoption hearings and hopefully the adoption could go through for it and then the girls will start their new lives with them and not here cause some of the kids had a bone with Kendall and Logan as their parents for the time being sadly and that was not right the others were okay with Kendall and Logan being the temporary parents for now cause their parents could not take care of the girls at all either and that was just sad right now

"Let's get this show on the road" the one says after they had brought the service up on their laptop for the time being cause they wanted to see what they were reading and what they were looking at as well and that was not going to be easy at all either

The first service went off without a hitch and went really good surprisingly and everyone was happy on how it came together in a short amount of time as well and the one who originally was going to do the funeral showed up towards the end and the kids told him to go home or go to another service cause they had it under control for the time being and they were going to ask for a refund as well cause he was not going to be doing the other service the following day at all either and the minister was going to refund the money they had paid him to do both services and he was going to be on call for who was going to need last rites or anything like that at all, and the one who did the service was going to ride in the hearse to the cemetery for the burial of course cause he had to do the burial service for both of them and he was going to write the burial service speech on the way to the cemetery for the service cause he was going to do that night before going to bed before doing it again tomorrow

Next chapter is coming on another Wednesday I have off

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