Part 2

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"Yeah and you did a great job on her with the hair and makeup really looked like her on Sunday when we go to church" the other daughter tells her as she was going to get her keyboard set up cause she was going to be playing wind beneath my wings for the service and she was going to do a military piece for her dad's service cause his service was going to be bigger as well cause they were doing two calling hours for him that way his buddies can pay their respects to him either the next day that night and they were going to come to the funeral home that night together as a unit to give him one final salute before the casket was closed for good and he was going to be buried

The kids took one last look at their mom before the casket was closed for good cause they decided to have a viewing before the actual service and more could pay their respects to her before the service started and the ones who were going to be playing their instruments were going to tune and make sure they were going to sound good together as well cause they were going to be performing one piece together for the funeral as well


The kids all filed into the church in one single file line cause their spouses and their kids were on the side of the church that they were supposed to be on and then the music started for the service and one of the spouses were going to be handling the service for both parents as well cause he thought it would be fitting to give them a proper send off as well

"I love all of the flowers that were brought in for the service it makes it more homey for mom cause she loved having flowers in the house" the one daughter said as she was looking at the flowers that were in the church for the mother funeral

Everyone agreed that all of the arrangements were beautiful and soon the two girls join their family cause Kendall and Logan were going to let them stay for two more nights before they go to their forever family again cause the couple that was going to take them was in the process of adopting them from Kendall and Logan and then of course they will have the period of adjustment as well to adjust to having a new family and their siblings and their cousins as well which was not going to be easy at all either cause it was going to be really hard on them to adjust to their new life with their new parents and where they will be living as well too which won't be easy but Kendall and Logan were going to do something special with them that night before they go to their new family with everything that night cause they were packing up at the house and getting everything ready to go but their rooms were going to stay the same no matter what and if they want to come back at anytime they can and their room will be ready for them and they will turn the one crib into a big girl bed for the younger one when she gets if she that way when she comes back to stay with them cause she might want to come back or her sister could come back as well in case they get treated like dirt by their new family but that was going to be highly unlikely as well


The funeral was ready to start and everyone was getting their seats for the service and there was no sign of the minister who was going to be doing both services and the kids were getting worried that one of them were going have to be ordained really fast to do the funeral service for both parents and the son in laws were going to get ordained quickly cause they had brought their work laptop with them so they were going to get online and get ordained if the minister did not show

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