The twins crawl part 1. Plus Kendall comes back into the picture

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Dillion and Mackenna were six month and were super cute babies with Logan's eyes and dimples they each had different personalities that made them different from each other. Dillion was a happy, bubbly, outgoing baby who loved to play, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind about something that she didn't like. Mackenna on the other hand was shy and kept to herself a lot. She was Logan's little girl

"It seems like Dillion is trying to get Mackenna to come and play with her, and Mackenns doesn't want to" Erin says when she hears the twins babble in the next room

"Yeah I'm going to see what is going on, and maybe get Mackenna to open up some, so she isn't so attached to me cause it is going to be a nightmare when school starts and she is hooked onto my leg" he says as he goes sees the babies

Erin was going to take Isabel to preschool for orientation, so she will get to know her teacher, and explore her classroom a little bit before starting there in the fall that year

"Well my darling daughters it's just the three of us what would you girls want to do huh?" he asks his daughters who were playing happily with their toys in the playpen

Mackenna comes over to daddy and snuggles close to him

"Okay me and you and snuggle my little snuggle bug" he says as he picks Mackenna up, so she could snuggle on him

Pretty soon Mackenna fell asleep, and Logan took her up to the nursery to nap while he stays downstairs with Dillion who was still playing with her toys in the plapen

"Sweet dreams Mackenna I love you" he says as he leaves the nursery to go downstairs to see Dillion

"Hey Dilly girl" he says when he sees Dillion

Dillion squeals with delight when she saw daddy in the room

"You sure are a happy baby right now aren't ya" he says as he picks her up and blows raspbarries on Dillion's tummy making her squeal happily

After a while Dillion wanted down, and Logan put her down on the floor

"Dillion is today the day you are going to crawl for daddy huh?" he asks when he looks at her

"Ya" she says happily to him as she got into position to crawl around the room

"Hang on let daddy put the gates up, so you don't head upstairs or outside" he says as he goes and puts the gates up for Dillion

Dillion wasn't going to wait on daddy she was determined to crawl, and explore the house on her own that includes getting into mischief where she was going to go

"I see you started with out me Dillion Henderson" he says as he comes back the the video camers, so he could record Dillion crwling for the first time

Dillion turned this into a game of where is Dillion, and she found it funny that she could trick daddy, and make him find her

"You didn't think that daddy will catch onto your little game" he says when he spots her 

Dillion found this funny, so she took off once again

"Okay I'll play your little game as he turns on the video camera to record her crawling around the house

Soon Dillion wor herself out with the race, and she fell asleep right by the stairs

"I think it is nap time for you" he says as he carries her upstairs to the nursery to put her in her crib for her nap cause Mackenna has been asleep for the past thirty minutes, and she had another hour and a half to go before she woke up from her nap

"Now i think i am going to clean the house up, and put Cupcake out" he says as he heads downstairs to clean up where the babies were playing at. Plus to put Cupcake out to do her business

Cupcake came back in no time

"Good girl Cupcake" he says when Cupcake went upstirs to the twins nursery to sleep with them cause she would watch the twins while they slept in their cribs

Soon Logan hears the doorbell ring

"I'm coming" Logan says as he finishes up picking up all of the twins toys that were outside. Logan hated to have a dirty house when company came over uexpected

Logan looks to see who it was before he opened the door

"Who is it?" he asks as he turns on the intercom to the front door before he let the visitor that was at the door into the house

"It" Kendall can we talk?" Kendall asks Logan

"Why?" Logan asks him

"Can't we just talk. My life has been miserable since that day you took our three girls out of my life forever. I have them on my mind a lot. I just want to see them cause I can't sleep or eat without seeing them one more time" Kendall begs to Logan

'Okay I'll let you in to see the twins who are upstairs sleeping" Logan says as he opens the door for Kendall

Cupcake hears who came in and came down ready to attack

"Yes Kendall our daughter dog turned into a protector dog, and is ready to attack when commended to do so" Logan says warning Kendall before Kendall went upstairs to see the twins who were napping at the moment

"Can't you tell Cupcake to calm down?" Kendall asks scared 

Logan tells Cupcake to go to her kennel to stay until Kendall was done seeing the twins, but Cupcake followed the stranger upstairs just in case he was going to harm the babies in anyway shape or form

"Here they are Kendall" Logan says as he shows Kendall the twins

"They look a lot like you Logan" Kendall as he looks over each of the twins cribs that were in the nursery that Logan finished up for them

Soon Mackenna started to whimper in her sleep

"It's okay Kenna I'm right here" Logan says as he picks her up and rocks her in his arms

Logan headed downstairs with Mackenna, so she wouldn't disturb Dillion while she napped

"Mind if i hold her?" Kendall asks Logan

"I don't think it wil be best right now Kendall" Logan says as he sits in the rocking chair with Kenna who was still fussy

"The reason why i came back over is I want a second chance with you" Kendall says to him

"Maybe down the road I'm happy with Erin, and the girls  love her. I'll tell the twins who their daddy is down the road though" Logan says to him as he shows Kendall out

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