Camille comes home from the hospital

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Logan decided he was going to dress little Camille in her cute little outfit that Erin picked out way ahead of time, so she could come home and be with her sister, and they could be a family that night, and get her settled in as well. He knows that both of them will be up all night with her cause she will be in a different environment then her grandparents house in her little nursery sleeping. Instead she will be in a different nursery in a different house like her sister, but she will be with her sister like how it should be instead of being in the hospital. Logan was looking forward to the sleepless nights for a couple of days 

"Hey there sugar bear are you ready to go home and see your sister once again. She misses you an awful lot, and she can't wait until you are home with her, and I can't wait to get you settled in your new home tonight" he says when he sees the baby that was looking up at him with her big beautiful blue eyes which were opened and were looking around at where she was and who was holding her cause she knows that her grandma isn't holding her and that it is someone different that is holding her and rocking her in their arms trying to keep her calm as they hold her in their arms

Camille continues to coo up at him as he held her in his arms, and continue to rock her cause she loved being rocked 

"Are you talking huh little one? I love your little cues, and I can't wait to hear you talk as you get older love bug" he says as he lays her down to put her in her jammies, so she could go home to her new home, and get settled in cause it was going to be different sleeping in a different place, and in a different crib that is not her own crib that she sleeps in that is at her grandparents house, and having new people taking care of her as well cause her grandparents can't care for her

The grandmother watched as Logan took care of the baby and got her ready to go to her new home, and get settled in her new home where her sister was right now waiting for her sister to come home and join her for their first night with these people who are going to be taking care of them for a little while until the grandparents were strong enough to care for them again

"I know she will be better in a different environment with you guys. Since the parents do not want to be apart of this picture no more, so they dumped both girls on us while they go out and continue to party their heads off, and live carefree without a care in the world" the grandmother says as she watches as Camille gets tucked in her new car seat, so she could go home where she will be loved by her new parents, and will help her understand the world around her the best that they can right now since Logan has three other girls at home, but he doesn't mind having two more to take care of since the twins are growing really fast

"Yeah don't worry we will take good care of her for you guys. You two just worry about getting on your feet again, and get your health taken care of is all. Then maybe you guys can have them back in your care once you guys are better, and if you guys feel like you can't care for them anymore. We will be happy to take care of them for you" Logan says as he puts Camille's socks on her little feet, so her toes don't get cold from outside

"I know you guys will. Once me and the grandfather go to a nursing home. Hard telling how long we are going to be there for, and with therapy being so tough we will be so tired that we won't be able to play with the girls. Plus there is a chance that there could be a relapse there as well or we could be living there, and thanks I might consider that" the grandmother says to Logan and Erin as she gets up to head back to her room for the night, so she could go to bed and think about her granddaughters

"Don't worry we can visit you guys all the time, so the girls never forget you, and you guys can still celebrate their birthdays and the holidays with us if you like" Erin says as she leaves cause she couldn't handle it with how the grandmother was being with Camille

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