Abby gets her tonsils out part 3

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Abby was able to get into the specialist after many weeks of him being booked to the limit and they could not get in at all to see him

"Abby ready to get the operation set up so you can have your tonsils out?" Logan asks as they were leaving the house since James and Carlos was going to watch the kids while Kendall and Logan was at the doctor's with Abby

She nods as she looks at daddy and papa

"Okay come on big girl" Kendall says as they headed out to the car so they could get going to the doctor's office in question

Abby hugged her stuffed big bird that she got for Christmas from her grandparents since they requested to spend some time with the girls every major holiday if they could and Kendall and Logan respected that about her

"We have to get one of the grandparents just in case this doctor doesn't believe that their real parents are dead" Logan says as he got in front to head for the nursing home to see if the grandparents could come to the hospital just in case the hospital needed them to sign something and they needed consent from their actual guardian for the time being while they were waiting for the courts to push the adoption through

"Of course" Kendall says as he got in so they could get going to the nursing home and get the grandparents for the surgery Abby might want her grandparents there for comfort and Kendall and Logan were not going to keep them away from her

The nursing home was going to let the grandparents go they had to call an ambulance for the grandfather since the grandmother was in the hospital with pneumonia

"Abby has to have her tonsils out?" The grandfather asks Kendall

"Yes she does and she can't wait to see you again" Kendall says as they headed out to the ambulance and the car as well

Abby was excited to see her grandfather again and was glad he was going to be with her as she set up the appointment for her tonsils to come out


Abby's grandfather explained what was going on right now and that Kendall and Logan were going to be their guardian and that him and the grandmother were going to be there if they need too

"How is Camille?" the grandfather asks since they had to wait to go back since there were older people ahead of them

"She's good growing like a weed right now" Logan says as he looks at his bump cause the grandparents knew about the babies before so he was cool with it

"Here is a current picture of what she looks like" Kendall says as he shows the grandfather a picture of what Camille looks like now

"She looks darling" the grandfather says to Kendall and Logan

"We know" Kendall and Logan say at the same time as they continue to wait

The grandfather was glad that the girls were in good hands with Kendall and Logan and knew they could raise the girls better and watch them grow, and let them be in on their lives when they could since they were up there and they could not handle the girls anymore

"I hope we can see the girls more and maybe have sleepovers with them cause the grandmother wants to do girl stuff with them as they get older" the grandfather says as they continue to wait cause her appointment was going to be soon and he wanted to get her taken care of right away 

"We can arrange that maybe in the summer?" Kendall asks him to see if that was alright

"I'll talk it over cause we are going to be moving into one of the new homes that are being built and we still will have our nurses care for us" the grandfather says as he looks at his watch

"How is the therapy coming?" Kendall asks him

"Good some days i can get out of bed on my own other days i need help getting around cause the heart attack i had was a big one and it is taking a while to recover from it" the grandfather says to Kendall and Logan as they were still waiting to go back for the appointment cause the grandfather had therapy and he wanted to check in his wife to see how she was doing and maybe go and see her later and let her know what was going on with the grandkids since they were not allowed in due to cold and flu season right now but they made an exception for them around the holidays since they were the only family that they had left

(Hours later)

"Kendall take me to the window I want to see what in the blazes is going on Abby should have been back there by now and the surgery should have been scheduled too but nope here we are waiting and I'm getting tired of waiting for my granddaughter to be seen" the grandfather says as he gets angry since the paramedics left already since it was going to be a while before they had to come back

Kendall obeyed and took the grandfather up to the window since he wanted to get up and use his legs for a change

"Okay I want to know what in Davey Crockett name is going on why hasn't my granddaughter has gone back for her surgery to have her tonsils out?" The grandfather asks the receptionist at the window cause he was not happy at all 

She didn't have any answer to that question

"Answer me" the grandfather says as he looks at the receptionist 

The receptionist was going to see why she was not called back for her appointment cause Abby appointment had come and gone already and they were still there waiting to go back

"Now we wait" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause Logan was starting to get uncomfortable a little bit and Kendall understood why since Logan was getting close to having the babies, so he might be having the babies soon 

"Yes we do" the grandfather says as he went back to see Abby cause she wanted to cuddle with her grandfather a little bit and he was okay with that since she had missed him a lot and cuddles with grandfather were the best there was cause nothing was going to get in her way at all as she cuddled with her grandfather 

V & C

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