Shopping for Isabel birthday

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"Isabel papa is going to take you birthday shopping for your birthday I want you to be on your best behavior for him" Logan says to Isabel cause Erin had to take Cupcake to the vets for her check-up

"No I want you to take me" she says as she hugs Logan's leg really tight

"Princess I have to stay home and take care of Dillion and Kenna" he says to her

"I want you" she says as she runs up to her room cause she wanted daddy to take her cause she didn't want papa to take her birthday shopping for her birthday

"Is Isabel coming?" Kendall asks after he came from the twins room

"No she isn't going" Logan says as he goes and makes bottles for the twins cause they will be wanting fed really soon and there weren't no bottles made for them

"Nonsense" Kendall says as he goes up and gets Isabel so they could go shopping

Logan could hear Isabel scream and put up one devil of a tantrum cause she didn't want to go with papa to the store to go shopping for her birthday

"No papa i don't want to go with you" she screams as Kendall brings her downstairs to put her shoes on her

Once Isabel was on the floor she ran back up to her room and this time she locked it

"Kendall you better leave she seems pretty upset with you" Logan says to him

"I'm not leaving until I have Isabel" Kendall says as he sits down at the kitchen table

Logan decided to grab his laptop and go upstairs to go birthday shopping with Isabel that way

"Princess open up it's daddy" Logan says as he knocks at Isabel's door

Isabel gets up from her bed and let's daddy in the room

"Thank you Isabel" he says as he comes into the room, so they could go birthday shopping together cause Logan knew i f Kendall took her it will lead to a meltdown that is for sure

Logan sits on Isabel beds and opens his laptop up

"What are we doing daddy?" she asks him

"Well we are going to go birthday shopping for your birthday that you have coming up" Logan says to her

Isabel was quite excited to go birthday shopping with daddy that day

"Okay let daddy get on the website and we can go birthday shopping for your fourth birthday. That is almost a whole hand Isabel" he say to her 

Isabel was quite excited to be turning four in a couple of days

"Mommy is going to be giving you a birthday like me and papa will be giving you a party" Logan says as the website comes up so they could go birthday shopping for Isabel

"Can I sleep with mommy tonight?" Isabel asks Logan

"Sure I'll call to see if you can go over there" Logan says as he texts Erin to see if Isabel can come over to spend the night with Cupcake

"I want you there too daddy I do not like papa" Isabel says as she hugs Logan tight

"Okay how about me, you and the babies can go back home cause daddy needs a break from papa" Logan says to her

"Can we go now?" Isabel asks him

"Sure I'll grab your sisters and we can head back to the house" Logan says as he gets up and has Isabel go out the fire escape that was outside her window

Logan watches as Isabel goes down the ladder before closing the window and going to get the babies. Luckily Kendall went to the studio, so Logan and the girls could make a clean escape cause Logan was done with Kendall for good after he saw what Kendall did to Isabel

(Logan's house)

"Okay once I put the babies in the playpen we can shop for your birthday" Logan says as he brings the twins back to his house cause he was completely done with Kendall. If Kendall was going to treat the girls like that he wasn't going to be around him anymore, and him and Erin was going to start to plan their wedding cause Erin was the one that Logan really loved

Isabel went to the theater cause that is how she wanted to shop for her fourth birthday

"Okay if you want to shop in the theatre room it is fine by me" Logan says as he gets the website up, so they could shop

Isabel had a lot of fun shopping for her birthday and she couldn't wait to open her presents that she was going to get

(Much later)

"Okay Isabel your presents will be on their way here in a couple of days. Until then we can see what theme you might want for your birthday" Logan says as he goes to the local party website, so Isabel could see what theme there were for her age group

"Daddy can i have party?" Isabel asks him

"With your preschool class?" he asks her

"Yes daddy may I?" she asks him

"Sure we can see where we can have it at" he says as he brings up the themes that the party store had for her

Isabel got excited when she saw princess theme, and she wanted one princess theme for the main party that she was going to have with mommy and daddy cause she really hated papa and didn't want anything to do with him at all

"What theme are you thinking for your class party?" he asks her

"My little pony" she says happily

"Okay we will do princess for your main party and my little pony for your class party" he says as he starts to order the balloons as well to go with the themes of the parties

"Can i have different bags for the boys?" she asks him

"Sure we can baby girl and we can do ninja turtles for their bags cause i do not think that boys like my little pony that much" he says with a chuckle

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