Getting Isabel settled

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"Tonight Isabel you can sleep with daddy and papa" Kendall tells her as he buckles her in the van

Isabel wanted daddy to stay with her

"I will have papa come back and you can cuddle with him okay" Kendall says to her

Isabel nods her head

Logan comes back to where Isabel was

"Come here baby girl" Logan tells her as he lets her lay her head on his lap

"I'm going to stop and get a few things to get us through the night with her" Kendall says as he heads out of the parking lot

"Sounds like a plan to me, and I might go take her to get her something to eat cause it looks like she hasn't eaten in a couple of hours" Logan says as he sits back and relaxes a little bit cause the twins were causing trouble

Kendall decides to go through the drive-thru cause Logan wasn't in no condition to get out and walk with Isabel

"Here pumpkin daddy got you some food" he says handing Logan the bag

Isabel started eating immediately

"Good girl" Logan says when Kendall went to go shopping for Isabel

Isabel ate on the floor of the van

"Is it good princess?" Logan asks her

She nods

When she was finished Logan threw away her trash

"Perfect I got her a blanket to cover her up" Kendall says as he comes out of the little kids store

"She is starting to get cold" Logan tells Kendall

"I'm going to get her ready for bed, and you can cover her up" Kendall says to Logan

"I'm going to go to the bathroom" Logan says putting his wig on, so he can relive himself

"Don't worry Isabel daddy is going to be fast" Kendall tells her as he changes her clothes

Kendall puts her in a frozen nightgown, and puts the snowman slippers on her

"There we go all better princess. When papa comes back we will go home where you will sleep with daddy and papa tonight" Kendall says as he covers her up cause the temperature was dropping outside

"Okay daddy" Isabel says to him

"All better" Logan says as he gets in back with Isabel

"Papa can I have a story?" she asks him

"Sure princess" Logan tells her

As Logan tells her the story she begins to fall asleep on his lap

"Night princess I love you" he says as he gives her a kiss

(Schmidt house)

Kendall carries Isabel inside the house and to the master cause Logan had to pee again

"Here we go sweetie don't worry tomorrow you will have your own room" Kendall says as he covers her up

Logan gives her one of the big animals that he brought in from the van

"Here's gorilla" Logan says as he puts the hand of the gorilla in Isabel's hand

"Don't worry Isabel Schmidt daddy and papa isn't that far away" Kendall says as he gives her a kiss

"What room will be her room?" Logan asks Kendall

"We better do that after we get ready for bed, and put some of her stuffed animals in there" Kendall tells him

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