Seeing the grandparents & Getting the girls settled

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"Okay Abby time to go home we can come back to the hospital tonight to see your grandparents again I promise you we can right now we have to let them have their rest, so they can get better, so they can come home to be with you girls, and they have to eat as well like you have to get better, so they can be released from the hospital" Logan says as he puts the baby in the stroller to go home cause Kendall was wondering where Logan and the girls were at

"Can't i stay longer please Logan?" Abbey asks him cause she didn't want to leave her grandma at all, and her grandmother could see that Abbey didn't want to leave her grandmother behind

"No sweetie we have to go home, so we can get you completely settled in for the rest of the time while your grandparents are in the hospital and once they are better and are out of the hospital you will be able to be with them as much as you want cause they might be going home or they might be going someplace else, and no matter what happens to them you can still see them me and Kendall will make sure of it. We won't keep you and your sister away from them at all. If your granparents will be able to care for you girls will go back to them" he says to Abbey as he comes over to her so they could leave cause the grandparents need their rest and their medicine so they can get better quicker

"We can come back later after your grandparents are rested up a little bit and you can see your grandfather who is where i may ask? Cause i don't see him at all when we came into the room" Logan asks cause they have been talking and haven't notice that the grandfather wasn't in the room no more

"They took him to surgery a little bit ago they had to wait a little bit until he was stable to do the surgery on his heart" the grandmother says as she gets up to head to the surgery waiting room to wait to hear about the grandfather and hoe his surgery went cause she was worried about him a lot

"Let us know and we are more then happy to keep them a little longer and if you feel like you can't care for them and the grandfather is too sick we are more then happy to adopt them as our own kids, and care for them. Plus have them come and visit you guys when possible" Logan says to her as he got ready to leave just in case the girls were going to be kicked out of the hospital cause they were underage for visiting with their grandparents

"Will do cause right now I feel better that they are in safe hands with you and Kendall, and if things change I will be more then happy to let you guys know what is going on with us, so you can keep the girls safe and sound, and raise them if we can't raise them" the grandmother says to Logan as she got her robe on and her slippers as well cause Logan went down during the visiting hours to get a robe and slippers for the grandparents so they were warm while they were in the hospital cause where they were was a little cold and Logan wanted them to be comfortable the whole time they were there, and if they needed a warmer room Logan and Kendall were going to pay for it, so the grandparents were comfortable and warm while they were getting better cause Kendall and Logan were going to take car of the grandparents really good cause no one was taking care of them at all

"Thank you" Logan says as he walks with the grandmother a little bit cause she had to walk with a walker cause she couldn't walk the best at all after the accident

"I got you" he says as he walks with her out of the room and down to the waiting room

The hospital janitor must of waxed the floor cause the grandmother slipped, but Logan was able to catch her in the nick of time before she fell down

"Thanks Logan" the grandmother says to him

"You are quite welcome" he says as he takes her to the waiting room, so she could wait on her husband to be done with surgery

"Ready to go home Abbey?" he asks her as him and Camille head out but Abbey stayed behind with her grandmother

"Ready" Abbey says after he grandmother reassured her that it was going to be okay and the grandfather was going to be okay after he was done with surgery, and he was going to be okay and was going to be good as new after the surgery, and he couldn't wait to see his girls once more


"Okay Abbey get in your car seat and I will buckle you in, so we can go home, and you can see your new room" Logan says to her as he gets the baby in her car seat, so the family can go home, so Abbey could see her room and Camille could see her nursery that was going to be her room as long as the girls are going to be there until the grandparents are better

Abbey obeys and gets in her car seat, so Logan could buckle her in after he buckles the baby in her car seat to go home to see her room

"Oh you sleepy huh sweet girl?" Logan asks the baby as he buckles her in and she yawns like she was tired

The baby coos up at him

"You can sleep a little bit on the way home, and I can tuck you in your new crib when we get home, so you can sleep while papa and daddy will be with your sisters for a little bit" he says as he he covers her up cause the baby was getting comfortable in her car seat to go to sleep after a busy morning so far

Logan buckles Abbey in and tucks her in, so she was warm under her car seat cause the wind was making the temperature feeling colder then what it was outside inside the van

"Let's go home girls and get you girls settled in properly. I have a feeling you guys are going to be with us for a while your grandparents are in the hospital recovering from the accident" he says as he starts the van to go home


"Kenny we're back" Logan says as he comes in with the girls

"Perfect I am done with both rooms" Kendall says as he comes in with the twins who were excited that mommy was home

"Hey girls" Logan says as him and Kendall switch babies since Camille fell asleep in the van on the way home and Kendall was going to put her down in her crib for a snooze while they played with the twins

"These cuties have missed you and Abbey I think Isabel missed you most of all" Kendall says to him as he takes the baby to her room, so she could go to sleep in her new crib

Abbey goes and looks for her friend and looks to see where her room was as well, so she could get adjusted to her new home while her grandparents were in the hospital recovering still

"Girls do you want to play a little bit before lunch?" Logan asks the twins as he carries them to the front room where their toys were at

"Ya" the twins tell him as they head to the room to play for a little bit with mommy that morning

"Okay we will play a little bit before lunch, and then it will will be nap time for you girls" he says as he sets the twins down on their blanket, so he could play with them while Abbey and Isabel played together and Camille was napping in her room 

"Logie would you want another baby?" Kendall asks him as he comes in to see him since Abbey was playing in her new room and Isabel was playing in her room as well with her dolls 

"Yeah in time for sure cause i want the twins to have someone close in age for them to play with" Logan says as he plays with the twins cause the twins wanted mommy to be with them a little bit since they were with daddy most of the day and now they wanted some time with mommy before they have lunch and go down for their nap that afternoon

"Do you want to try tonight after we get the kids to bed cause the twins are growing up too fast and i miss having babies around the house" Kendall says to him as he admires the twins who were playing happily with their toys after they were done playing with mommy

"I know i do too, and I'm up for it cause the girls are growing up to fast, and soon they are going to be a year old" Logan says as he continues to play with the twins that morning cause the twins loved being with both mommy and daddy the most when they were home together

"Okay after we put all of the little ones to bed tonight we can give it another go just in case Abbey and Camille don't stay with us permanently, and they got back to their grandparents to stay cause I have a strong feeling those two are going back to their grandparents once they are released from the hospital in due time" Kendall says to Logan as he plays with one of the babies who wanted daddy, and was getting tired of mommy 

Logan was okay with that cause he wanted to be pregnant again one more time, and he was going to be pregnant again, and experience the life within him

V & C

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