Isabel broke her arm

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"Isabel did you have a good day at school?" Logan asks as he buckled her in her car seat

"Yes daddy I did" Isabel says to him as he buckled her in her car seat, so they could head to the hospital to see Abby's grandparents who were in the hospital

"That's good" he says as he secures Abby next to Isabel while Erin got the twins in their car seats, so they could head to the hospital

"Isabel did you break your arm at school?" Erin asks her as he buckled in Kenna

Isabel shakes her head no at mommy

"Are you telling us the truth?" Logan asks her as he helps buckle in Dillion, so he could load the stroller up in the trunk of the van

Isabel nods

"To be on the safe side we better get it checked out while we are at the hospital" he says as he folds up the stroller and loads it up in the trunk of the van

"Yeah we better" Erin says to him as she gets in the front seat of the van

Logan finished loading up the trunk, and got in the front seat to go to the hospital


"I'll get the kids Erin" he says as he gets the stroller out of the trunk of the van, so he could get the babies, and the two girls and take them into the hospital

"I'll see about what room or rooms Abigail's grandparent sis in" Erin says as she heads into the hospital ahead of Logan and the kids

Isabel and Abby unbuckled themselves from the seat belt or the booster car seat, and went in with daddy to the hospital

"Isabel I am going to have your arm get looked like while we are here cause I can see it is swelling up" he says as he pushes the twins that were babbling happily in the stroller

Isabel wasn't going to fight it she was going to let daddy get her arm checked out

"What a way to spend your birthday huh?" he asks as he heads to the emergency room with her in tow

Isabel nods

"Don't worry we will get you looked at while mommy is seeing about Abby's grandparents" he says as he starts to get her checked-in, so she could be seen

Once Isabel was registered witht he hospital she was let in to triage to get a physical, and after her physical she was put in a room to wait to go to x-ray, so she could see if her arm was broke or not. She was hoping her arm was not broke

"Princess it is going to be okay I promise you" he says as he comforts her as he holds her while Abby sat on the exam seat while she let Isabel be held by her daddy

Soon Isabel was taken to get her arm x-ray, and she wanted daddy to go with her, and Logan went with her


"Isabel would you like a Popsicle to suck on?" A nurse asks her as she brought Isabel a Popsicle to suck on while they waited the outcome of her x-ray that she had taken to see about her arm

Isabel nods

"What do you say Isabel?" Logan says to her

"Thank you" Isabel says as she starts to suck on her Popsicle that she was offered

Soon Erin comes into the room after she saw Abby's grandparents

"Well I was surprised when I met Abby grandparents" Erin says as she comes into the room after she met Abby grandparents

"Why is that Erin?" He asks her

"Her grandparents are an older couple in their late sixties or early seventies, and her grandfather had a heart attack while he was driving, and they crashed. Her grandmother suffered a stroke, so both of them are going to go to a nursing home to live" Erin says to him

"Where are they though?" He asks her

"In intensive care" Erin says to him as she holds Abby cause she wanted to be held as well

"What is going to happen to Abby?" He asks Erin

"She is going to go to the state cause no other relatives want to care for her. I told them that we will adopt Abby, so her and Isabel can be sisters cause Abby's grandparents can't care for her anymore" Erin says to him when the doctor came in with the results of Isabel's X-ray

"I hope Abby can adjust to us being her new mommy and daddy" Logan says to her

"Well Isabel your arm is broken and you will have to be a cast for a month while it heals" the doctor tells her as he reads what the X-ray said

"Isabel got hurt during gym today" Abby says to Logan and Erin cause she felt better once she heard what was going on with her grandparents

"How did Isabel get hurt?" Logan asks Abby

"A boy threw a ball at her arm" Abby says to him

"That explains everything" he says as he continues to calm Isabel down

Soon Isabel was taken to the cast room to have her cast put on

"What color do you want your cast to be Isabel?" He asks her as they look at the cast colors that was up on the wall

"Can I have a purple cast daddy?" Isabel asks him

"Sure you can baby" he says as he holds her as the orthopedist comes in to cast her

After Isabel was cast, and the cast was dried she was given a sling to wear to help her keep her cast protected while she was playing or in the tub

"Okay I think it is time to take Abby up to see if she can see her grandparents a little bit then we will head to dinner" Erin says as the group heads to the elevators so they could up to intensive care, so Abby can kiss her grandparents goodbye cause she won't be able to see them until they are out of the hospital and are in the nursing home

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