Christmas and finding out the genders

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Okay guys Happy Holidays and Happy new year from me Priceisrightrusher, and on with the story 

Kendall had James and Carlos come out to help him with the outside lights and the blow-ups as well since he wanted Christmas to be perfect for the girls and they were going to be finding out what they were having before Christmas

"Girls want to help me make cookies?" Logan asks as he was calling to the girls since he was bored, and Kendall and the babies were sleeping as well, so it was the perfect time to spend some time with the two oldest girls of the group and Logan had a bunch of energy all of a sudden 

"Yeah" Izzy and Abby say as they put their aprons on so they could help papa make cookies

"Okay girls wash your hands and we can get started since daddy is sleeping right now along with your baby sisters" Logan says as he got everything out so they could make cookies for the holidays

The girls loved that they were making cookies and was going to be spending some time with papa since they have not had time to spend with him with school and everything else

"Will we see what the babies are?" Izzy asks him as they were getting ready to make cookies

"Yeah I plan on letting everyone know before the holidays cause later we are going to have a party to let everyone know about the babies, and we are going to see what daddy is having too, so it is going to be a double surprise for you two" Logan says as he got the mixer ready since they were going to be making multiple batches of cookies they were going to need a lot of mixers

Izzy and Abby got assigned a recipe for a cookie batch, and Logan was going to see how good they were going to do following a recipe


"Okay girls now we are going to bake some of the cookies, and while we wait we can make some guesses on what the babies are" Logan says as he puts on some music to listen too and the girls can sing along to the songs cause they loved to sing more then anything

As Abby was singing to her favorite song little drummer boy her voice started to go out

"Abby are you okay princess?" Logan asks as he goes over to him so he could see if she was getting sick for Christmas and he did not want her to get sick at all

She shakes her head no as she was holding her throat

"Izzy can you wake daddy up so he can help you with the rest of the cookies I am going to see what is going on with Abby" Logan says as he got Abby's coat on so he could take her to the clinic to see what was going on with her and why her throat hurt her

Izzy did what she was told and went up to go up and see if daddy was still sleeping or was awake

"Thanks sweetie" Logan says as he left the house with Abby who was not a happy camper right now

(That will be another chapter in the weeks to come and heads up i am going to have her tonsils come out too so that is going to be fun and exciting since I am going to have her pick out her popsicles and her ice cream and anything else she might want when she goes under)

"Abby it's okay daddy and papa will be there with you when you get your tonsils out baby girl and papa can hold you for a bit before you go under if you want" Logan says as he was carrying her into the house so she could lay down for a little bit since the clinic gave her some medicine and that was going to help her feel better for Christmas

Abby didn't want Logan to leave her at all

"It's okay sweetie papa ain't mad that you got sick baby he is just glad you are going to get better is all" Logan says as he was holding her as they sat on the couch cuddling together just the two of them since she was not feeling the best at all  

"Papa" Izzy says as she runs into the room when she heard that papa was home

"Hey Izzy" Logan says when he sees her after he hadn't seen her in a while since the clinic was busy with patients who were sick  

"Hey Logan" Kendall says as he came in after he pulled the one batch of cookies from the oven

"Hey Kenny" Logan says as they kissed

"The cookies are done for the party" Kendall says as he sits next to Logan while Izzy went up to check on the babies for papa and daddy

"That's good" Logan says as he was looking at his baby bump where the triplets were

"Hey girls" Kendall says as the twins came downstairs and they saw the tree in lights

"I can't believe it is the girls second Christmas" Logan says as he looked at Dillion and Kenna, but Kenna wanted to be with papa and that was fine with Logan 

"Me either they sure have gotten big" Kendall says as he was looking at the twins as well as they went to play with their toys happily that were spread out

"Yeah I can't believe they are a year" Logan says as he was looking at Dilly and was going to play with Kenna for a little bit

(That chapter is coming in the new year as well, so I will go back to this chapter after a few weeks and then go to Abby's surgery, so I am going to jump around with this story so it makes sense I did this chapter for the holidays and then surgery then the gender reveal for sure)

"It seems like yesterday I was holding them in my arms, and next thing they are walking and talking" Logan says as he plays with Kenna a little bit since Abby fell asleep on the couch 

"Soon we will have four more new one's to add to the mix" Kendall says as he was looking at the bumps closely

"I know it is crazy I want to have the triplets in the hospital this time just to careful" Logan says as he gets up cause he had to get ready for the gender parties in a few days

"Okay if that is what you want that is what we will do Logie" Kendall says as he was getting up as well cause Izzy wet back into the kitchen to work on the cookies some more before the party later on in the week

Logan found out he was having three boys and Kendall was having a little girl which he was excited about, and he could not wait to meet her soon

"Now for Christmas" Logan says to Kendall after the party was over

"Yes" Kendall says to Logan as they kissed

V & C

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