Kendall goes home

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"Okay here comes baby girl" Dr. buttercream says as she pulls the baby out

Logan had the camera ready to take her first picture

Dr. Buttercream had the baby out in no time

"Here she is happy birthday" the doctor says as she cleans out the mouth

"North is here" Logan says as he cries tears of joy right now

Logan went to where they took her and was with her the whole time, she was getting cleaned up cause Kendall was going to have surgery once the baby was born

"You sure are a pretty girl" Logan says as he held her

North opens her cute mouth as she looks up at him

"You sleepy huh pretty girl?" he asks as he was holding her still

Logan loved spending time with her, and he was going to bond with her

"Come on sweetie since mommy won't be able to feed you, I'll feed you" he says as he was going to take her where Kendall's room was going to be

Logan had enough for all five babies and since Kendall didn't produce enough milk he had to fill in

"There we go angel" he says as he was nursing her cause he wanted to have a bit of that bond cause the quads are at the house right now and he will have to go home as well and see them and get the others fed as well cause they will be hungry as well and he will need to feed the quads, and he had extra on stand-by just in case something happened and he could not feed them

Logan burped and changed her

"You got your belly full huh?" he asks as he was looking at her cause James and Carlos were going to bring the others, so they could meet her cause Kendall was going to be in surgery for a bit and he will not be able to see them for a while cause he will be in recovery as well after he has the surgery the baby will be released the day after while Kendall had to be in the hospital to recover from this cause it took its toll on him completely

Logan took her down to the nursery so she could have her testing then he was going to call James and Carlos to have them bring the others to the hospital, so they could meet the newest addition to the family cause it was a big day cause Logan was going to go home shower then come back so he could take care of the baby for Kendall cause Kendall was going to be in recovery for two days


Logan decided to shower at the hospital cause Kendall being in surgery in all he wanted to stay close to him just in case something happened and he wanted to be close to North as well cause she was special due to birth defect and she was going to be having surgery in time as well to help her out cause Kendall and Logan wanted her to have a normal life when she got older and be able to run with her sisters as well cause she was quite the energetic baby girl she wanted mommy, so Logan had to get her right now and calm her down cause Kendall was in surgery as well right now

"Okay North I am coming" Logan says after he had called the others to let them know she was officially here and ready to meet her new siblings

Logan held her close, and she was loving it right now

(2 weeks later)

Kendall had to be in the hospital for two weeks cause of the surgery that he had, and they wanted to watch for infection as well, and he was glad when he was able to go home, and be with the kids again, and hold little North a little bit cause he had missed her she could only come during visiting hours, and she loved being with mommy again and she knew Kendall was her mommy

"Okay North you get to come with daddy when we get mommy from the hospital" Logan says as he was getting her ready to go cause Logan was taking her to the hospital to get Kendall

North was dressed all cute to go see mommy again

"I say you are a happy girl" Logan says as he takes her out to the car to go back to the hospital to get Kendall and bring him home as well

Logan took his car to the hospital to pick up Kendall cause he was able to drive normally, and Kendall was going to be sore


Kendall was outside waiting for Logan cause the hospital wanted to limit visitors right now

"Hey North you came to get me?" Kendall asks as he got in the car to go home right now

"Yeah, she did, and she is happy to see you too" Logan tells him

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