Final part

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"Girls why don't you go back to the nursing home and start to clean out their room cause I am sure the nursing home would want the room cleaned out and see if there is anything acceptable for the funeral" Adam says to the girls cause it was going to hit them really hard when it came time to plan the funeral

The girls were going to go back to the nursing home and start cleaning out the room cause they probably had another resident or two coming into the room as soon as possible so the room had to be cleaned out as soon as possible as well and the girls were not too sure about that

(Nursing home)

"Mom kept the room really clean" the biologically daughters say as they came in the room to clean it out

They saw the father still drove and the car was right outside the room, and they were going to take that car to the hospital cause they had to decide the car as well as the house if it didn't sell or anything and they had to see if a will was made and see who got what

"We might as well go get a u-haul and then go from there" Juliette says as she was going to get a u-haul for everything that the grandparents had in their room

The other girls started gathering items up and putting them in certain places so when the boxes were delivered all they had to do is box the items up and load them up in the u-haul to go to a storage unit in town cause they did not want to deal with this right now cause it was too much too fast right now

(Much later)

"That didn't take long at all and i bought a vacuum so we can clean the room a little bit and see what crumbs are in the carpet as well cause since this was mom and dad's room we might as well try to clean it up a little bit" one of the girls say to the group

The girls cleaned the room and did one last look before leaving to go to the storage which Juliette was able to get last minute cause they needed time to process the news as well that the parents were going to be gone and it was going to be hard on everyone and the owner was going to let them take their time with everything and when everything was finalized he was going to help them with the unit and deciding what items were going to be sold and which items the kids wanted as well cause he has been through that before and he knew one of the kids as well


The girl's entered the hospital with their masks or face coverings on as they were going to where the parents were and see where they were right now 

"How they doing?" Juliette asks them 

"Dad is in organ fail and mom is not too far behind" Greg says as they were outside the room where the parents were cause they had to wait outside their room cause the parents were still on the vent right now 

The girls started to lose it cause the parents were going to be gone by midnight and the hospital was managing their care and their comfort as well right now the best that they can 

"Dad is going to be gone here in a few hours" Greg says as the nurse gave him an update right now on the parents and how they were doing as well 

(Hours later)

"Dad is gone" Greg says when they heard the flatline in the room      

"Looks like mom followed him" Juliette says when they heard the other flatline go off as well

The girls cried cause both of their parents and their in laws are both gone and now the difficult road starts to bury them and finally tell them goodbye 

"Well I guess we might as well go in and say our final goodbyes to them before we see them again at the calling hours" Juliette says to the group 

The group heads in and the biological children kissed their parents on the head and tried to give them one final hug goodbye, and the girls just lost it cause they lost their father that day and they will never see him again or hear his laugh or be able to go to him for advice either and that was breaking their hearts right now, but they were able to remember dancing with him at their wedding to that certain son that they had picked out, and every girl had a different song, and the daughter's in laws will remember it as well cause they wanted to dance with their new father in law cause they had plenty of time to kill during the reception as well so they thought what the deuce just do it, and one of the guys was going to put together a photo slideshow of some of the pictures of the grandparents together with them and with the grandkids as well cause they were going to have more pictures of the one set of grandkids then the others cause those two lived with them the most cause of what happened to their parents, and they have to go through a custody hearing for custody of those two girls  

Burial is next 

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