Seeing about baby girl preview

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I have to close tonight so a preview will go up until i can get the whole chapter up

"Now we have to come up with a name for baby girl" Kendall says as he was feeling her as she was moving like crazy at the moment for her papa

"Yup I would like another i name for her" Logan says as the drugs were started to stop labor

"Okay we can research those names for her right now I just want to focus on the boys and hope that they are fully developed so they do not have to go to the newborn intensive care unit and wait until they are strong enough to come home from this place" Logan says as he wanted to check on Abby since she was sick right now and she needed her papa to make it better

Abby and the rest of the kids were fine and just playing for now so that was a good thing with the kids that they were getting along okay and hoped papa was okay as well as their brothers cause they were waiting to hear from them and the twins wanted to go and see papa and cuddle with him and James and Carlos were going to bring the kids down later so they could be with daddy and papa cause Kendall wanted to have family time still while Logan was in the hospital

"James bring them to our room cause we are going to have supper in the cafeteria and we are going to talk about their day too" Kendall says as he was talking to James since Logan was going to relax a little bit and hoping that the contractions go away soon and if labor can be stopped he will have to be admitted for the rest of the pregnancy until he goes into labor again and the contractions can not be stopped at all and he will have to deliver the boys one way or another

James was going to do that for Kendall and Logan since Logan was going to be in the hospital for a while on bedrest until he had the boys for real

"Night Logie" Kendall says as he was going to go to his appointment to see how the baby was doing and when she was going to make her entrance into the world as well and if she was going to be different or if she was going to be normal like her siblings Kendall was up for the challenge as well as Logan too

Kendall headed down and he talked to bay girl the whole way there 

"Daddy and me can't wait to meet you baby girl" he says as he rubs his bump where she was at the moment 

Kendall headed to his appointment and sat down and waited to be called back to see baby girl cause he could not wait to see her again cause he loved her so much 

"Kendall' the nurse calls to the waiting room 

Kendall got up to see about baby girl, and see if she was okay too    

"Okay we will check your weight" the nurse says to him 

Kendall got on the scale like normal and went into one of the rooms for his blood pressure reading and see how he was doing with baby girl 

"It is a little high" the nurse tells him

"My husband is in the hospital with the boys so i am a little worried about him" Kendall says as he rubs his bump where the baby was

Kendall waited for the doctor to come in to check on baby girl 

"I hope your daddy or papa is doing okay" Kendall says as he talks to the baby 

I will always have you no matter what wattys 2023Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat