Isabel turns 4 part 5

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"Okay princess time to go home, so you can get ready to go to preschool again" he says to her as they leave therestaurant with the babies who were asleep on each shoulder

Isabel loved her second preschool cause she had a lot of friends at that preschool, and that preschool was going to let her have a party with a pinata and presents and lots of other fun stuff.

"Do I get to take a treat to school?" Isabel asks Logan and Erin

"Yes sweetie mommy made you cupcakes that have a cream filling in it, so you can pass them out with the goody bags that I made for you" Erin says as she buckles Dillion in her car seat, so they could go home and relax a little bit before taking Isabel back to school for the afternoon

Isabel was very excited for her afternoon preschool party

(Henderson house)

"Okay come on baby girl time to go inside and see how me and mommy have the house decorated for you" he says as soon as he parked in the garage

Isabel was very excited to go inside and see the house all decorated for her party

"Hang on I didn't get to do this this morning" Erin says as she puts on the birthday sash that she got for Isabel to wear when she came home from lunch that day

"Thank you mommy" Isabel says as she heads into the house to look at the house

Logan and Erin get the twins and head in with them

"Okay sweetie you make open three more presents since you turn four today, so pick carefully" he says as he puts the twins in their playpen, so they could play with their toys while he records the birthday party a little bit

Isabel looks carefully and she picks the big presents to open cause they look exciting to open and to see what was inside of them

"Thank you for my bike daddy" she says as she hugs Logan

"You are welcome baby" he says as he hugs her right back, so him and Erin could continue watching Isabel open the rest of her presents

Isabel loved her bounce house that she got. Once she open her bounce house she open one of her small presents cause she didn't want to ruin the other big gifts that she had to open that night for her party

"Maybe since it is so nice out you can ride your bike to preschool" he suggest as he cleans up the wrapping paper that was left from the presents that she opened

"May I daddy please?" Isabel asks him

"Sure princess you can" he says as he gets everything ready that way they could start to head to Isabel preschool

Isabel was excited to ride her new bike to school which was in one of the local elementary schools that wasn't that far from the house

"Mommy will meet you there cause she is going up bring the punch and the goody bags for your class" Erin says as she starts to load the van up with everything that is needed for Isabel class party

"Okay mommy" Isabel says to her as she helps her baby sisters out to the van, so they could get buckled in so mommy could head to the school and drop the goodies off for her

Once Erin was gone Logan helped Isabel with her safety gear, so that they could head to preschool that afternoon

"Ready to go Isabel?" He asks her

"Ready daddy" she says as she starts to peddle to the school cause she was eager to get there ahead of her daddy

"Isabel slow down" Erin says at a stoplight where she was waiting with the twins and everything else that she had in the trunk of the van

"Luckily I can run now so I can keep up with her" Logan says as he continues to run after Isabel who was approaching the crossing guard who was going to put her across

"Sweetie can you get off your bike and walk it in the crosswalk?" The crossing guard asks her as he puts up the stop sign so he could put her across

"No" Isabel says as she starts to head across the crosswalk on her bike

"Then you may not cross" the crossing guard says as he puts down the stop sign, but Isabel was completely across the street and heading into the school cause she did not want to be late on her birthday that day

"Isabel we got to work on that with you" Logan says as he crosses the street with the cupcakes that he got from the van since Erin was going to be in traffic for a while since the battery died in the van and she was going to need to pull over so she could get a jump from someone who was going to jump her since she had the twins in the van with her

"Sorry daddy" Isabel says to him

"That's okay I know you are excited to ride your bike to school, but you need to obey the crossing guard when you are in the crosswalk though" he says as he takes her into her classroom

On the way to her classroom she stopped and used the potty and got a drink since she was very thirsty that day from riding her bike to school for the very first time

"Better Bella?" He asks her when she was done with the potty

"Yes daddy" she says happily as she goes to her classroom

"Happy birthday Isabel" her teacher says as she greets Isabel as she walks into the classroom with Logan who had her cupcakes with him

"Thank you" Isabel says as she heads to her cubby that was decorated for her with balloons and everything that she loves

"Daddy look I got a big teddy" Isabel says to him when she sees what was by her cubby that day

"You can bring it home later okay" he says as he helps Erin who had the rest of the party supplies for her class that day

"Okay daddy" Isabel says as she puts on her birthday crown that was in her cubby

Logan and Erin give her a kiss and leave the room to go home and wait for her second party

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