Burial part 1

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The girl's entered the hospital with their masks or face coverings on as they were going to where the parents were and see where they were right now

"How they doing?" Juliette asks them

"Dad is in organ fail and mom is not too far behind" Greg says as they were outside the room where the parents were cause they had to wait outside their room cause the parents were still on the vent right now

The girls started to lose it cause the parents were going to be gone by midnight and the hospital was managing their care and their comfort as well right now the best that they can

"Dad is going to be gone here in a few hours" Greg says as the nurse gave him an update right now on the parents and how they were doing as well

(Hours later)

"Dad is gone" Greg says when they heard the flatline in the room

"Looks like mom followed him" Juliette says when they heard the other flatline go off as well

The girls cried cause both of their parents and their in laws are both gone and now the difficult road starts to bury them and finally tell them goodbye

"Well I guess we might as well go in and say our final goodbyes to them before we see them again at the calling hours" Juliette says to the group

The group heads in and the biological children kissed their parents on the head and tried to give them one final hug goodbye, and the girls just lost it cause they lost their father that day and they will never see him again or hear his laugh or be able to go to him for advice either and that was breaking their hearts right now, but they were able to remember dancing with him at their wedding to that certain son that they had picked out, and every girl had a different song, and the daughter's in laws will remember it as well cause they wanted to dance with their new father in law cause they had plenty of time to kill during the reception as well so they thought what the deuce just do it, and one of the guys was going to put together a photo slideshow of some of the pictures of the grandparents together with them and with the grandkids as well cause they were going to have more pictures of the one set of grandkids then the others cause those two lived with them the most cause of what happened to their parents, and they have to go through a custody hearing for custody of those two girls  

"I guess we plan the funeral the day after tomorrow" Greg says as they were leaving the hospital with the parents belongings that they had with them cause those had to be washed and the kids had to go and get an outfit for the parents cause they were going to take everything up at once and the all of the kids had to get an extended leave from work cause they had to plan a funeral and one couple was going to be going through the courts to adopt the two girls that the parents took care of and Kendall and Logan had in their care and they were wondering if they should take them away 

"Yeah I think all of should get some sleep and tomorrow is a brand-new day but it will be a sad day" one of the guys say as they were leaving the hospital 

"We should see if they have a plot though before we plan the funeral cause we have to decide what funeral home we want them to go to" Juliette says as they were leaving the hospital to go back to their hotel to talk and relax and plan the funeral and see if they had a plot as well 

The kids agreed to see about the plot cause they had to tell the hospital cause they have to see if their parents had a plot somewhere, and if they didn't the kids had to find a plot and get a stone and pay for the burial as well 

"The hospital will keep mom and dad until we see if they have a burial plot and where it is located and if we have to buy one cause I told them we are from out of town and we don't know if they do or not and we have to find a funeral home as well since we don't know the area that well we are going to go with the funeral home that everybody uses" Greg says to the group 

The group decided to get an early start the next morning on finding the plot and seeing where it was as well then they were going to go the funeral home route as well then they will go from there with getting everything situated and taken care of too  

I will always have you no matter what wattys 2023Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu