Adjusting to life with five girls

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"Logan we made it through the first night with five girls, and Camille slept through the night" Kendall says the next morning when they woke up to the sounds of silence the next morning cause all of the girls were sleeping peacefully in their beds or cribs still so it was peaceful for the two parents that morning which was a shock

"Yeah we made it through the night with three babies, and two toddlers in the house Kenny, and almost all of them slept alright for the night" Logan says as he hears Mackenna wake up from her slumber that morning cause she wanted to be up and have some fun with daddy and papa that morning since her sister was still asleep in their rooms

Camille woke up off and on to eat or to have a new diaper and when she woke up Kenna woke up and wanted fed or attention like her sister, and once she had the same attention she went back to sleep on her own

"Morning Kenna did you sleep well huh pretty girl?" Logan asks her as he picks her up to hold her in his arms that morning since she was the first one up and she had the advantage of being with daddy and papa that morning even though she was up off and on through the night with the baby

Kenna just babbles happily that morning for papa cause she had slept good with daddy and papa the night before and she loved being with papa in the mornings if she is the first one up

"I take it you did come on papa will give you some breakfast while daddy sleeps a bit more this morning, and we can have fun together just the two of us" Logan says as he carries her out of the master and to her nursery to change her diaper and get her dressed for the day cause they had to go shopping for Abby and Camille, so they had their own things as well

Kenna continued to talk her cute baby language as papa changed her that morning while Dillion was asleep in her crib still in her bedroom that was close by her sisters room

"I think I hear your sister wake up from her slumber too" he says when he hears Dillion wake up from her slumber cause he heard her babble as well from her room as she played with her toys that were in the crib

Logan and Kendall decided to separate the twins a little bit, so they had their own space to play and to sleep since they were on different sleep schedules and Kenna is the loudest of the twins when she wakes up from her sleep, and Dillion isn't that loud when she sleeps

"Hey Dilly girl did you sleep good princess huh?" He asks as he comes in with Kenna who had her toy with her in her hands after he got her dressed that morning and did her hair too, so she looked pretty

Dillion started to whine a little bit for papa to let him know that she wanted out of her crib and held by him since Kenna got to be with him and she was jealous of her sister that morning cause Kenna got to be with daddy and papa both during the night

"Dillion you and Kenna have to share me and daddy for a while cause we have a new baby in the house and her name is Camille, so I want you to get along with your sister for me and daddy since we are going to be taking care of her as well as you two and your sisters" he says as he continues to change her that morning since all of the girls were up and ready to face the day together Logan wanted to have them dressed as well, so after breakfast the gang could go shopping for what Abby and Camille needed for now, and maybe it might be permanent if their grandparents can't care for them anymore due to their health issues that they have and are facing not being able to raise them

Dillion did not like that at all cause she was already sharing the love enough with her twin and her sister enough the way it is

"Dillion don't you even think about it" he warns her as she got ready to hit papa that morning cause she wasn't up for sharing papa and daddy more then what she wanted

Soon Logan hears Camille and hears Kendall wake up to get her and then he hears the girls in their bedroom talking about something what Logan did not have a clue right now cause their room was farther down, for privacy reasons

"Logie I am going to start breakfast this morning for us, and then we can go shopping" Kendall says as he pops his head into the nursery where Logan was with the twins that morning

"Okay and I can get the other two up as well, so we can eat and get going" Logan says as he picks the twins up and carries them out of the room and to the kitchen, so they could be fed since the little girls were already in the kitchen that morning which was going to be fun since him and Kendall needed to get a new routine in place since they have five girls under the age of five running around and being obnoxious that morning

Isabel and Abby were already playing and making a lot of noise for that early in the morning cause daddy was making their favorite breakfast that morning

"Girls it is still quiet time, so play quietly for me and daddy while we feed the babies their breakfast this morning, and when we go out you guys can be as loud as you want okay" he says as he tries to reason with them cause it was going to be a long day for all

"No" Isabel says as she takes off from papa cause she wanted to be loud and have fun that morning

"So it starts" Kendall says looking at Logan like he didn't know what to do at that moment with Isabel who was hyper for that early in the morning which wasn't okay with Kendall and Logan cause it was going to start a chain reaction with the babies being loud as well that morning cause the older girls were loud first

"Yes it does hopefully it gets better from here" Logan says as he rubs his temples cause he felt a headache coming on right at the moment that morning as the kids ran around the house being loud and making a lot of noise

"Hopefully it does cause it is going to be fun to have all five running around and don't want to have nap time or do anything else" Kendall says as he gets the twins their breakfast so they could be fed while Camille nursed from Logan cause they had to find out about the formula that she takes so she can continue to grow as well

"Don't remind me with Camille still being a baby yet I don't want her ears ruined by the noise" Logan says to him as he looks at Camille who was in her bouncer

"Me either" Kendall says as he feeds the twins their breakfast that morning

As Kendall was feeding Kenna he saw her eye was going crossed eyed and that started to worry him a bit but he was over it quickly as Kenna ate that morning

"You ate really good this morning" Logan says to Camille as he brought her out to be burped after he fed her that morning

Camille does a little smile for papa that morning cause she was glad to have some one on one time with him

After everyone was fed and changed and dressed and their hair was done Kendall and Logan set out to go shopping for Abby and Camille cause Camille was going to be getting her own room if this was going to be for good

"Do we have everyone?" Logan asks Kendall

"I believe so Logan, so let's go shopping" Kendall says to Logan

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