Abby gets her tonsils out part 1

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Now we are going back to the Christmas part where Abby was going to go to the doctor's and see about her throat and the decision is made to have her tonsils out and this is going to be broken up into parts and the next part will be up depending on my schedule for next week and how i work since we got a new person so i might do a preview or the full chapter next week 

"Abby are you okay princess?" Logan asks as he goes over to him so he could see if she was getting sick for Christmas and he did not want her to get sick at all

She shakes her head no as she was holding her throat

"Izzy can you wake daddy up so he can help you with the rest of the cookies I am going to see what is going on with Abby" Logan says as he got Abby's coat on so he could take her to the clinic to see what was going on with her and why her throat hurt her

Izzy did what she was told and went up to go up and see if daddy was still sleeping or was awake

"Thanks sweetie" Logan says as he left the house with Abby who was not a happy camper right now

Logan got her in her car seat and buckled her in so they could get going to the doctor's and see what was going on with her throat cause he was worried it was her tonsils  

"Don't worry Abby we are going to get you all better and back to your normal self in no time baby girl cause i know it is not fun being sick" Logan says to her as he started to head into town and see what was going on with her

Logan stopped in to see her grandparents and get clearance to make sure it was okay for him to get her checked out and he wanted to get a medical history of the girls just in case Abby has a history of sore throats and who their doctor was too, so Logan could get the right pediatrician for the girls 

(Much later)

"Okay Abby i got your family doctor here and I am going to see if he/she has an opening so you can be seen today baby girl if not we will head to the hospital so you can get checked out to see what is going on with you" he says as he was going to call the doctor to see if they had any openings for that day in general, and he was in luck when he called in  

Logan was able to get her in for an appointment that day 

"Okay Abby i got all of the medical cards that I need for you and your sister, and when i get there i have to say I am bringing you in instead of your grandparents since they are sick right now" Logan says as he was driving to the pediatrician office since he had to be there for the appointment in a little bit  

(Pediatrician's office)

"Hold my hand Abby" he says as they headed into the doctor's office after he had parked the car 

Abby did what she was told and she stayed with Logan the whole time as he was checking her and changing what needed to be changed with her files and her sister's files as well since their grandparents were not taking care of them anymore Kendall and Logan's names needed to be added to the file as their guardian's in place of their grandparents  

"Okay Abby let's wait baby girl" he says as he was leading her to the waiting room to wait to be called in and see what was going on with her throat  

Abby went to play with some toys while they were waiting and Logan decided to look at a magazine to see what was going on and see what they could do when it came to disciplining the girls and how they could make the transition easier when the new babies came into the picture in a few months 

"Abby" the nurse says from the doorway 

"Come on Abby let's see what is going on with you pretty girl" he says as he was walking with her so she could get checked out to see what was going on with her 

Abby got her height and weight checked before she was put in an exam room to wait 

"What brings you in Abby?" the nurse asks her

"It's her throat and it has been bugging her off and on the past few days, so we thought it might be nothing and when her voice went out I knew i had to bring her in" Logan says since Abby could not talk for herself right   

The nurse wrote that down and let Logan know the doctor will be in soon to see her 

"It's okay Abby we can cuddle i know when you girls don't feel good you like to cuddle" he says as she tries to cuddle with papa 

Logan texted Kendall to let him know what was going on with little Abby 


"Hey Abby haven't seen you for a while" the doctor says as she came into the office to see her 

"Well her grandparents have not been well so we have adopted her and her sister as our own kids" Logan says to the doctor

"Let's see what is going on huh sweet girl?" the doctor asks as Abby gets on the table so she could be examined and see what was going on with her 

The doctor checked Abby's throat and it was swelled 

"I think with how many sore throats she had the past year I want to have her tonsils removed" the doctor says after she had checked her throat 

"When will that happen?" Logan asks her

"In the new year I will have her go to a specialist and then he will set up the appointment for her to have her tonsils out" the doctor says as she was going to get the name of the doctor that does most of her patients tonsils 

Logan was okay with that cause Kendall and him was going to be with Abby when her tonsils come out 

"Well Abby you get to pick out the ice cream, popsicles and anything else that you want, and the best part it will all be for you" Logan says as he was cuddling her close since she was scared out of her mind about the operation

Abby was very happy about that and she could not wait to get all  that treatment when her tonsils come out and she can lay around all day  after the surgery 

"I think we can go home and tell daddy what's going on with you" Logan says as he pays for the appointment and left with her to take her home so he can tell Kendall that Abby was going to have her tonsils out next year sometime 

Abby nodded as they left to go home

V & C  

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