Checking on the baby or babies

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"Logan you okay?" Kendall asks when he heard Logan throwing up in the bathroom that morning

"Morning sickness is the worst" Logan says as he goes back to throwing up cause his body was still adjusting to the pregnancy at this point

"I am right here since the girls are still sleeping" Kendall says as he rubs Logan's back as he continued to throw up

"That's good" Logan says as he goes back to throwing up yet again

"Isn't today we go see Dr. Buttercream to check on the baby?" Kendall asks Logan

"Yeah we don't go until this afternoon" Logan says as he sat up after he had gotten sick

Kendall helped Logan up

"I think i hear the babies" Kendall says to Logan when he heard two cries coming from the girls room

"I'll help you" Logan says as he got up slowly to help Kendall with the twins

"Logan rest" Kendall say to him

"No I need to keep going since the girls are mobile now, and keeping up with the girls will be fun" Logan says as he walks slowly to the nursery to grab the girls since they were up and ready to go for the day

"Don't tell me they started to crawl?" Kendall asks Logan

"A little bit they will get into position and it looks like they will crawl and they will go back to being a snake so they ain't fully ready to crawl just yet" Logan says as he comes into the nursery to get Kenna who was standing up in her crib waiting for mommy to come and get her so they could have breakfast that morning

Kendall gets Dillion and goes and checks on Camille to see if she was still sleeping in her crib

"Well Camille is up Logan and she wants you" Kendall says to Logan as he gets Kenna from Logan

"Okay and hopefully the girls are up, so we can have family time before we go see Dr. Buttercream to check on the baby" Logan says as he goes to Camille's nursery to nurse her

Izzy and Abby wake up a few minutes later and Kendall makes them some breakfast

(After family and lunch time)

"Okay Abby and Izzy can you head out to the van for me please?" Kendall asks them

"Why daddy?" Izzy asks as she continues to scooter around the house for a little bit longer

"We will be going to check on the baby that is inside papa's tummy" Kendall says to her

Izzy puts her scooter away so no one trips over her toys

"Thank you Izzy" Kendall says to her as he puts the babies in the van so they could get going since Logan was feeding Camille still

"Welcome daddy" Izzy says as she goes to her car seat that was in the van

"Abby come on princess do you want to check on your new brother and sister too?" Kendall asks her as he buckles Dillion in since Kenna was waiting for mommy to come out of the house

Abby was a little scared about going to the doctor's

"Maybe we can pop in to see your grandma and see how she is doing would you like that?" Kendall asks her after he had gotten Dillion in her cars eat

Abby didn't want to do that either

"I know this is an adjustment sweetie but it will be okay I promise you and if the baby is a boy we can name him after your grandpa" Kendall says as he hugs her close to make it more better for her

Abby felt okay with that cause she was not allowed to go see her grandma much since she was put in a nursing home

"Okay Camille is ready to go" Logan says as he came out with Camille who was a happy baby

"Kenna wants you to buckle her in her car seat she doesn't want me to buckle her in her car seat" Kendall says to Logan as he buckles Camille in her car seat that was in the middle close to Kenna since Dillion went in the back with Izzy and Abby who were talking up a storm about something

"Okay Kenna I'll buckle you in sweet girl" Logan says as he buckles Kenna in her car seat

Kenna loved mommy a lot and it showed

"I think she loves you more then me" Kendall says to Logan as Logan got in so they could go and check on the baby

"I think so and I am just fine with that" Logan says as they head to see Dr. Buttercream to check on the baby

(Dr. Buttercream office)

"I'm going to get signed in" Logan says to Kendall as he got out with Izzy and Abby and Kenna who wanted mommy to carry her

"Okay I'll be in with the babies" Kendall says as he got Dillion and Camille out of their car seats so they could head in and see about the new baby

Logan signed in and then he took a seat in the waiting room

"Nice and spacious" Kendall says to Logan as they waited to get called back

"Yeah much better since i had the twins" Logan says as he looks at Dillion and Kenna who were playing happily with toys in the corner of the waiting room 

"Logan" the nurse calls to him

Kendall helps Logan up since Logan started to get a little bit of a belly on him from the pregnancy so far. Logan got his weight checked before being put in a room to wait on Dr. Buttercream

"Hey Logan sorry I am too busy today so I'm just going to check baby really fast and have you come in later to see about the pregnancy, and see how everything is going" Dr. Buttercream says to him

"I understand" Logan tells her as he leans back on the table

Dr. Buttercream did everything normal until she spotted three blobs on the screen

"Kendall, Logan you guys are having triplets" she says to Kendall and Logan when she turned the screen to face them so they could see as well

Kendall was in complete shock that they were having triplets

"Here are the heartbeats that are beating really strong" Dr. Buttercream says as she turns up the volume, so they could hear it 

"Our babies Logie" Kendall says as he hears three heartbeats beating 

"I know I can't wait to meet them" Logan says as he looks at the screen as he sees the babies for himself cause he was excited to have triplets 

"Me either i guess we have to buy three of everything now" Kendall says as they continue to admire the babies that were on the screen 

"Now to see what they are going to be" Logan says as Dr. Buttercream went to print off pictures of the babies for Kendall and Logan so they had them to show friends and relatives that they were going to have three beautiful babies 

"Yes" Kendall says as they share a kiss 

"Now to plan for the twins first birthday" Logan says as he sits up 

V & C

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