Getting Kenna checked out part 2

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After the CAT scan Logan picked a sleeping Kenna up and took her back to the room to wait on the results of the testing

"Come here sweet girl" he says as he picks her up carefully not to disturb her as she slept peacefully

"Is she asleep?" Kendall asks Logan when he came back into the room

"Yeah I'm going to change her diaper while she sleeps" Logan says as he lays her down on the bed, so he could change her

Kenna hated having her diaper changed as she slept

"It's okay sweetie go back to sleep mommy knows your tired" he says as he picks her up after she had a new diaper on her

Soon Kenna started to fall back asleep on mommy shoulder

"Now we wait once again" Logan says as he gets on the bed with her 

'Yup" Kendall says as he sits with Logan and Kenna cause he was worried about Kenna's health she was born after her sister, so she might have some health problems that was caught during the pregnancy 

"Kenny can you get me something cause I am starving?" Logan asks him

"Sure Logie I'll be right back" Kendall says as he leaves in search for food for Logan to make him happy once again

Kendall went to McDonald's that was in the hospital concourse for food

"Here Logie I brought you some food" Kendall says as he returns with the bag that he had for Logan

"Thanks Kendall" Logan says as he starts eating cause he was really hungry and this wait was killing him cause he wanted Kenna better and home with her sister


"It's time for Mackenna's ultrasound" a nurse says as she comes in for Mackenna

Logan gets up with Kenna cause she was contented in mommy's arms at the moment

"We are going to see what is bugging you doodle bug" he says as they head for the ultrasound room to see what was in her tummy cause the doctor needed a clear picture of what it was before he made a decsion on how to treat Kenna

Logan laid her down on the table, so the tech could put the gel on her tummy to see what her trouble was

'it's okay Kenna mommy is right here" Logan tells her as he sits next to his precious angel who wasn't happy that she had to be ripped from mommy's arms

"It seems she has a mass inside her tummy, and she wil need surgery to remove it" the tech tells Logan

"At least that's good i thought she had another twin attached to her" he says with a sigh of relief

Logan wipes the gel off Kenna stomach, and picks her up once more

"There, there it's okay your with mommy darling" he says as he strokes her pretty hair that he did for her that day

Kenna was taken back to the room to wait on the results of her testing


"James had to leave so i brought Dillion here" Kendall says as he comes in with the other twin

"Hi Dilly" Logan says as he reaches his arms out for her, so he could hold her too

Dillion went to Logan cause she was wanting mommy as well

"Did you have a good day with Uncle James?" he asks as he gets comfortable with his two girls that he loved most of all

Dillion nods

"That's good probably Uncles James texted mommy pictures of what you guys did all day while he was at the hospital with Kenna cause she is sick" Logan says as he gets his phone to look at texts from James

"Logan look who wanted to come and see you" Erin says as she brings Isabel into the room

"Hi Isabel" Logan says from the bed

'Hi daddy" Isabel says as she goes over to him and tells him all about her day with mommy and what they did


The doctor comes into the room and he doesn't have a happy face on

"Doc is there something wrong with my little Kenna?" Logan asks him

"Yes in her stomach there is a large mass that needs to be removed, and there is a tumor on her back which will need to be removed after she has surgery on the large mass that is in her stomach

"How soon can you do the surgery?" Kendall asks the doctor

"Will we do the mass surgery tonight, and keep an eye on the tumor that is on her back, so there is a chance that Kenna might not walk from the tumor cause it is starting to press against the lower half of her back" the doctor says to Kendall and Logan

"Will you test both to see if it is cancer?" Logan asks the doctor as the nurse comes in to start an I.V on Kenna since she is going to be admitted for her surgery

"Yes both will be sent down to the lab for testing to se if they are cancer" the doctor says as he leaves the room

"Can i have her hand please?" the nurse asks Logan

"No I want another opinion Kenny on the one that is on her back" Logan says as he looks at Kendall

"Okay I'll see about another doctor for Kenna" Kendall says as he leaves the room in search of another doctor that can give them a second opinion on what is on Kenna's back

The second doctor says it just fluid build up, and it will be drained

"Thank you very much" Logan says as the second doctor gets ready to drain the fluid that Kenna had in her back

Kenna hated it, but she had mommy right besides her to make it all better for her

"She had a lot of fluid backed up, so I am going to test to see if she was tested for Spina Bifida" the doctor says to Kendal and Logan

(Much later)

"Well she does have Spina Bifida and I'm going to put a shunt in her head to help with the drainage, and I'm going to take care of the mass as well" the second doctor says to Kendall and Logan

Logan felt relieved that Kenna was going to be okay after her surgery to get her to feel better once again

"I'm going to take Isabel home" Erin says to him

"Bye Isabel" Logan says as he gives Isabel a kiss

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