Logan sees Erin

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"Papa why did daddy shut the door on me?" Isabel asks as they go for ice cream

"I don't know princess" he says as they head to the ice cream store for some ice cream

Once at the the ice cream shop Logan gets Isabel out of her car seat and they walk in to get some ice cream

"What flavor would you like princess?" he asks her as they enter the ice cream parlor

Isabel looked at the flavors that were on the board

"Can i get a new flavor papa?" she asks him

"Sure they can make you any kind that you want" he tells her

Isabel settles on raspberry with m&m's and chocolate chips in. Logan got cookie dough

"Logan long time no see how have you been?" Erin asks when she sees him with Isabel

"Oh hey Erin i didn't see you there" he says as he helps Isabel with her ice cream

"How have you been?" Erin asks as she joins Logan and Isabel

"Not good Kendall is offically out of the picture, and he doesn't want anything to do with Isabel or the twins" Logan says as he eats his ice cream that he got for himself

"Oh no" Erin says as she starts to eat her ice cream that she got

"Oh yeah, so now I am a single dad to Isabel and our twins" he says as he stops eating cause it was too much on him to take at the moment

That got Erin fired up, so after all three had their ice cream she decided to go over to Kendall's and to see if he was home cause she had a few words for him. He wasn't home, so Erin decided to go back to Logan's place with him, and be with him during this tough time

"Logan I'm going to stay with you and help you raise the girls cause it looks like Isabel is quite upset without her other daddy there" Erin says as they head to her place, so she could get some things to take with her to Logan's place

Logan was grateful that Erin was going to stay with him until he got over this

(Logan's place)

"Here mommy" James says as he carries Mackenna to the door when he heard it open

"Hi Kenna what's wrong sugar did you miss mommy huh?" Logan asks as he takes his daughter back into his arms to hold her once more and to make it all better

Kenna started to settle back down when mommy started to rock her

"No more tears Kenna everything is going to be alright" Logan says as he takes Kenna to the the family room, so she could play with Dillion while he helps Erin bring in her luggage that she brought with her

"Is this Dillion and Mackenna?" Erin asks when she saw the babies

"The very same" Logan says as he sits down cause Kenna started to get fussy once again once he put her down

Everytime Logan put Kenna down she started to fuss or cry again, so he ended up holding her

"It sounds like Kenna has colic" Erin says as she goes out with Logan to help bring in what she brought to his house

"It's been that way since we left Kendall's house that night" Logan says as he shows Erin to where she is going to be bunking at

"What was the fight about?" Erin asks him as they go back to her car to bring in more items

"Isabel got a puppy at the Halloween carnival, and Kendall sais that she couldn't have a dog cause she is too little. I fought to keep it cause she was devasted when we had to give Cupcake up, so I tried everything while we were together to keep both Kendall and Isabel happy. Kendall was furious that i didn't give Cupcake up when Isabel told me that her and Cupcake will run away together if they couldn't be together, so that night i packed her, Cupcake, the twins, and the fishes up and brought them back to my old place. Since then Isabel has been taking care of Cupcake like feeding her, and giving her fesh water, brushing her, and walking her" he says as they bring more items into the house

"Cupcake looks like she a protective dog" Erin tells him

"She is she will warn me if one of the twins is crying or in trouble" he says as he sits down with Kenna cause she started to feel heavy as he was bringing all of the items that Erin brought with her

Erin hears Dillion, so she goes and fetches the other baby

"Dillion looks so much like you" Erin says when she sees Logan's festured in Dillion

"Mackenna and Dillion are identical twins, so they look identical" he says to her

"What do you want to do now?" Logan asks Erin

"I want to take the girls to the park to play for a little bit, or we cantake Isabel to see Santa at the mall" Erin suggest

"I vote the mall since we have been to the park many times already" he says as he takes Kenna to the nursery for a new diaper since hers felt full

"I'll get Isabel ready while you change the twins" Erin says as she leaves to get Isabel ready to go to the mall, so she can see Santa, and she can tell him what she would like for Christmas

"Sounds like a plan, and maybe we can go to the beach and eat dinner after" he says as he changes Kenna;s diaper

"That sounds lovely" Erin says to him

Logan changes Dillion and gets the twins ready to go to the mall


"Isabel stay close to me cause the mall is going to be really crowded" he says as he gets the twins out of the car still in their car seats

"Okay daddy" Isabel says happily as the family heads into the mall to see Santa

When Logan and the girls got to Santa no one was there, so Isabel could tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas that year. Plus Logan decided to see if the twins would cooperate if they got their pictures taken with Santa. Logan was surprised that the twins didn't cry when Santa was holding them

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