Part 3

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Logan was fully ready to go home, but first, he wanted to check on Kendall and see how he was doing right now and see if there were any updates

"Can I go down to my husband's room please?" Logan asks the nurse as he was getting in the wheelchair to head out and to go home as well with the quads who were in their car seats sound asleep like little angels right now

"Sorry I got to get you out for a new mother to come in once the room is clean," the nurse says as they were leaving the ward 

Logan was not happy he was going to get out to see Kendall cause he was worried about him right now

"Sorry my husband comes first," Logan says as he was getting out to see Kendall and he was going to see what room he was in as well cause he was worried about him right now

The nurse got back-up and they were going to escort Logan down to the car, and Logan was protesting that he wanted to see Kendall  

"Can't he see his husband cause I think Kendall is calling out for him?" James says as he pretends to hear Kendall

"Yeah my husband clearly needs me right now," Logan says as he was going to see if they could go back to the ward

The nurse was going to see if Kendall was calling out for Logan and if he needed to be up with him cause Dr. Buttercream was heading to the room in question

"Kendall was not calling out for you," the nurse says to Logan

"Liar you are such a liar I am not going home I am parking it," Logan says as he was going to stand his ground cause Kendall needed him right that minute and Logan was going to be with him no matter what happens 

Logan continued to stand his ground until the nursing staff let him go be with Kendall while James and Carlos took the babies home to get settled and they were going to get the others and bring them to the hospital


Logan was going to see Kendall and see how he was doing right now cause he was really scared for Kendall and their little girl cause he could one or both of them and that really scared him to death right now 

"Don't worry Kenny I am coming to be with you" Logan says as he was going to Kendall's room and be with him right now cause he might be having their last baby for a long while and Logan wanted to be there with him as he was going to have the baby cause if they wanted to have more kids Logan was going to carry them to full term cause he can handle the pregnancy and the birth better then Kendall can cause Logan is a trooper through it all 

Logan headed up to the room as fast as his legs could carry him right now cause he was still sore from the birth of the quads and he could not wait to see them again when he got home and he was going to get them settled in and used to all of the loud noises that go on on a daily basis at the house, and the older two will need to calm down in time and that was not going to be easy at all and Logan will have to enforce the indoor voice and outdoor rule at home when he actually gets to go home cause the two girls Izzy and Abby get pretty loud at times to where Logan has to yell at them to settle down and go do something else while the little ones sleep cause some of the little ones hate loud noises and when their sisters are loud    

(Kendall's room)

"Kenny" Logan says as he enters the room to be with Kendall right now cause Logan could hear Kendall calling out for him as soon as he got off the elevator and he went to the room to be with him right now 

"Logie it hurts," Kendall says as he was looking at him cause Kendall was in a lot of pain right now  

"I bet it does and soon it will be over and we will have our beautiful little girl in our arms," Logan says as he was going to comfort Kendall right now as he was going through the hardest part of it all 

Kendall could not handle the contractions at all he felt like the baby was going to be born every time he had a contraction cause his stomach muscles would tense up like crazy 

"Kendall you gotta breathe cause she is not ready to be born quite yet," Logan says as he was helping Kendall cause he was going to be having the baby naturally and not by C-section like Logan did with the quads  

"Logan can I just have a c section and get this over cause I don't know how much more I can take," Kendall says as he looks at him as he was breathing really heavy right now 

"Kenny you can do this I believe in you," Logan says as he was trying to keep him calm right now cause the doctor wanted him to deliver naturally if he can and if the baby doesn't cooperate then he will have a c section to have the baby that way  

Kendall walked and did everything he could to have the baby come and nothing was working right now and he was in more pain then ever from the contractions  

"Kendall I'm going to take the baby cause she is not tolerating labor as I would like and the contractions are too much for her, so it is safer for you and for her as well" Dr. Buttercream says as she was checking on Kendall right now cause he didn't dilate that much either so the baby was going to be born as soon as she could get the operating prep 

Kendall nodded cause he was ready to have the baby right now and he wanted it over

Kendall has the baby is next 

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