Christmas shopping for Isabel

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Logan was going to shop online for all three girls for Christmas cause he thought it would be better just in case Kendall was outside shopping for the girls if he still cared about them

"Isabel do you have your Christmas list done yet princess?" He asks her when he enters her room

"Yes daddy i do" she says to him

Logan takes her list and goes downstairs to look it over cause he didn't want her to see what she was going to be getting for Christmas that year

"Man Isabel you have quite a list there" he says as he looks at it while looking at the twins who were sleeping peacefully in their swing

Logan found out that the twins were identical so it was going to be a matter of time before Kenna looks like her sister Dillion

"What Kenna?" he asks when he hears her crying in her swing

Logan stops the swing and gets her out to hold her in his arms and comfort her

'It's okay Kenna daddy has you" he says as he starts to rock her in his arms

Logan goes and gets her paci to suck on as he rocks her in his arms

"Shh it's okay Kenna" he says as he continues to rock her as he sits down to start shopping for Isabel cause he wants to prove to himself that he can do it without Kendall who moved on

"What is it Kenna did you have a bad dream?" he asks as he enters the nursery tp rock her back to sleep

Kenna stopped crying and looked at daddy with her chocolate eyes

"Daddy is right here to make it better and don't you girls forget that" he says as he continues to rock her in his arms

Kenna settles down and goes back to sleep

"Now to go back to go shopping for your sister for Christmas cause i got you and your sister bought  already while you two were sleeping and maybe later we can go to the park to play for a little bit cause all three of you girls love the park" he says as he goes downstairs with her in his arms

Kenna looked like him when she sleeps

"Kenna you and Dillion look like me when you sleep" he says as he gets back on the computer, so he could start shopping

After he started shopping Kenna let out a squeal and woke back up 

"Okay Kenna I'll play with you sweet girl" he says as he lays her down on her blanket to play with her while Dillion still slept in her swing

Soon Dillion wakes up from her slumber cause she heard noise around her

"Okay Dillion I'll put you on the blanket, so you can play with Kenna while daddy shops for your sister for Christmas" he says as he gets back on the computer to continue shopping for her

As he shops he continues to admire the girls as they played together like sisters should

"I want you girls to behave while i shop for your sister for Christmas" he tells them

Dillion and Kenna cooed at him as they continues to play with their toys

"I can't believe you girls are a month old already i wish time will slow down, so i can enjoy all the moments that i have with you girls" he says as he gets on the floor to play with them

"I can turn on the T.V and shop from there, so i can be with you girls" he says as he turns on the T.V so he can continue Christmas shopping for isabel

Logan was almost done shopping when he saw one thing at the bottom of her list that hit him like a ton of bricks

"Isabel this is completely out of the question princess me and your other daddy aren't getting back together for Christmas" he says when he sees that she wants another daddy for Christmas

Logan sees something else that he wasn't expecting at all

"Isabel I'll try to do this but I'm not making no promises that it can happen in time for Christmas baby girl' he says as he questions the one thing that she wanted for Christmas

Logan was truly that when she saw the last thing that he saw on her Christmas list that touched his heart

"I'll truly try to make this happen" he says when he sees him, the twins and Isabel and either a new mommy or a new daddy standing with her current daddy in front of what she calls their home

Seeing that picture Logan went to a special part of the house to cry cause they truly touched his heart enough to call Kendall to see if he was avaiable to talk

"Hey Kendall" Logan says when he hears kendall answer his phone

"Yes Henderson what do you want?" Kendall asks when he saw who was calling him

"Kendall we need to talk Isabel gave me her Christmas list, and what she really wants for Christmas is her other daddy to be back in the picture, and she wants us to be a family all five of us. I want to make this work for her sake Kendall i don't want her to be disappointed on Christmas when she doesn't see us back together like we should be. What do you say Kendall can we get back together for her?" Logan asks him

"No Logan i don't want to make this work for her, and her dreams of us getting back together can go up in smoke cause I am happy with who I'm with and we are excpecting our first child together next year and we are planning on getting married as well, so send me back your enagement ring that i gave you when Kenna was born. Cause I'm going to use that to propose to her" Kendall says as he hangs up the phone on Logan once and for all

Logan let it all out cause he was very upset that he couldn't give Isabel a merry Christmas at all like he was hoping to give to her like he wanted to

"Don't worry Isabel I will try to get you a mommy you can count on it baby girl" he says as he continues to cry it out

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