Part 3

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"Logan I am going to do a c-section cause it is safer for you and the babies" Dr. Buttercream says as she checked the heart rates of the babies and how Logan was breathing as well cause he was breathing like he ran eight miles

Logan nodded cause that was going to be the safe way for the babies to come in the world

"Will i be able to be with him?" Kendall asks her

"Sure" Dr. Buttercream says as she was going to get the operating room prep for the delivery

Logan was glad he was going to have a c-section to have the boys and not deliver natural

"Soon we will have our boys in our arms" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah and we will have our family until she comes" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall's bump where their other baby was

"I can't wait until she is here" Kendall says as he was rubbing his bump

"I know i can't wait she has to get bigger so she can come" Logan says as he was feeling her kick and move from within Kendall

"I know i can't wait to hold her in my arms like the boys" Kendall says as a cap was brought in for Logan to wear to the operating room

"I can't wait either and i will be by your side for her birth" Logan says as he was going to talk to her as they were waiting to go back

The nurses came to get Logan a few minutes later to go to the operating room so he can have the boys and his pregnancy will be over

"I will see you in there" Kendall says as he gave Logan a kiss before he was taken to the operating room

"I'll save you a seat" Logan says before he was wheeled into the operating room to have the boys

"Okay" Kendall says as he was going to wait to go in to be with Logan during the birth


"Okay we're ready for you" the nurse tells Kendall

Kendall heads in to be with Logan during the birth

"I am here Logie" Kendall says as he was going to sit next to Logan since he had a sheet covering his lower half so they didn't have to see the birth

"Thank you Kenny" Logan says from under his mask so he could breathe a little bit

"Welcome" Kendall says as he kissed Logan 

Kendall and Logan talked through part of it 

"Okay Baby A and it's a boy born at 2:30 pm" Dr. Buttercream says as she lifts the first baby up, so Logan and Kendall can see him as well           

Kendall and Logan looked at each other to see who that one was 

"K.J" Kendall Sr. says as he saw the first baby 

The first baby was handed off to be cleaned and taken care of 

"One down two to go" Logan says as a relief was taken off him 

"Yes" Kendall says as they waited for the next baby 

Soon they heard the next cry

"Baby B and it's a boy born at 2:32 pm" Dr. Buttercream says as she got the next baby out and showing Kendall and Logan 

Like before Kendall and Logan looked at each other to decide on a name 

"Kayden" Logan says as he saw the baby that she was showing them 

"Kayden and K.J are here and well" Kendall says as he was waiting for the last one to be born and they will have their boys 

"I have a feeling L.J won't wanna be born he wants to stay in there" Logan says as he was just resting and relaxing a little bit 

"He is going to be born whether he wants to or not" Kendall says as he was waiting to hear that cry that L.J was born and was here and well too

"I know" Logan says with a chuckle as he was still waiting for that cry 

Soon they heard that voice

"Baby C and it's a boy as well born at 2:35 pm" Dr. Buttercream says as she pulled the last baby out and showing Kendall and Logan their boys 

"L.J" Logan Sr. says as he saw the baby 

Kendall got a picture of him as he was crying up a storm like his brothers 

"I am going to see the others" Kendall Sr. says as he was going to see the babies as Logan was getting sewn up from the surgery 

"Okay I am not going anywhere" Logan says as he was still laying on the table 

Kendall was able to get pictures with all three boys before Dr. Buttercream speaks

"Oh my gosh there is another baby in there" she says as she was getting the other baby out 

Kendall went over to Logan so he could name the other baby when that one was born 

"Kendall four babies" Logan says to him cause he was in shock as well that they were having four babies 

"I guess so" Kendall says as he was going to get a picture of that one as well 

"Okay Baby D born at 2:45 pm and it's a girl" Dr. Buttercream says as she held up the baby girl 

"Hi princess" Logan says as he was looking at her after she had been born 

Like her brothers she was taken to be dried and checked out as well      

Name will be revealed next chapter

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