Seeing what is wrong with Logan

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"Okay Logie do you need help walking into the hospital or do need me to carry you?" Kendall asks as he parks the car in the emergency room parking lot

Logan nods cause he was really weak from throwing up so much

"Okay I'll carry you" Kendall says as he picks Logan up and carries him into the hospital, so he could be seen to see what was going on with him 

Logan laid his head on Kendall as he was being carried into the hospital

"We will get you taken care of Logie" Kendall says as he kisses his forehead as they enter the emergency room

Kendall places Logan into the wheelchair so he could check Logan into the hospital. Kendall takes Logan to the waiting room to be called back to see what is going on with him

"Logan" the nurse calls to them 

"That's us Logie" Kendall says as he pushes Logan to where the nurse was so they could head into triage to get Logan taken care of and better for Christmas 

The nurse does what she needs to do and shows Kendall and Logan to a room

"Why am i in a OB/GYN room?" Logan asks when they enter that part of the hospital

"Beats me Logie" Kendall says as he helps Logan out of the wheelchair, so he could change into a gown and get up onto a bed 

Once Logan was in his gown and on the bed he laid down 

"Do you want me to cover you Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Yes please" Logan says to Kendall cause he was quite cold

Kendall covers Logan up and sat beside him while he waited on the doctor to come into the room 

"Mr. Henderson-Schmidt we are going to need to take some blood from you" the nurse says as she comes into the room to take his blood so they could get started 

"Okay do what you have to do" Logan says as he sticks his arm out so the nurse could do what he needed to do 

Logan closed his eyes as the blood was taken from him, and the nurse bandaged where the blood was taken from

"I think I'm going to be sick" Logan says as he got ready to throw up again

Kendall grabbed a bucket and was at Logan's side within seconds

"Here you go Logie" Kendall says as Logan gets sick

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says to him as he continues to get sick 

"Welcome Logie" Kendall says as he rubs Logan's back as he continues to get sick 

Logan laid back on the bed after he got sick

"I'll be back" Kendall says as he leaves the room

"Okay" Logan says as he got comfortable on the hospital bed again

"Okay we are going to need a urine sample from you" another nurse says as she comes into the room 

"I am too weak to move" Logan says to her

"I guess we are going have to cath you" the nurse says as she leaves to get what was needed cause they needed another sample from Logan to see what was going on with him and what was making him so sick 

"No your not I am staying right here in this bed and not moving at all" Logan says as he got more comfortable in the bed

"As you wish" the nurse says as she leaves again to leave Logan alone 

Logan started to fall asleep cause all of the throwing up has made him quite tired and he needed to rest 

"Night Logie" Kendall says as he comes in to kiss Logan good night

Kendall decided to go out to the waiting room to check on the girls to see how they were doing at home with James and Carlos 


"Hey Logan" Kendall says as he comes back into the room to see about Logan and how he was doing 

"Hey" Logan says as he tries to sit up in the bed a little bit

"How you feeling?" Kendall asks him as he closes the door 

"So so right now" Logan says as he looks at Kendall

"I hope we see what is going on with you soon" Kendall says as the doctor comes into the room with the results if the test that Logan had done

"Me too cause I want to go home and be with the girls, and not here in the hospital" Logan says as he looks up at the ceiling still

"Mr. Henderson-Schmidt" the doctor says as he comes into the room

"Yes" Logan says as he looks at the doctor just in case it was life threatening or he needed to be admitted immediately and he won't be able to see the girls open their presents at all

"Well by the results of your blood work I have to say your pregnant" the doctor says with a chuckle

Logan couldn't believe that he was pregnant again

"Doctor are you sure that Logan is pregnant?" Kendall asks the doctor

"Positive and he can go down for an ultrasound if he likes to see the baby" the doctor tells Kendall and Logan

"Is there anything else wrong with me?" Logan asks the doctor just in case the blood work manage to see something else 

"No not right now, but you will have to be admitted cause you are suffering from severe morning sickness and that could be bad for the baby, and for you" the doctor tells Logan 

"I'll be with you tonight Logie so you ain't lonely" Kendall says as he kisses Logan's knuckles cause they were going to add a fourth kid to the mix or a fifth if it happens to be twins again this time around

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he looks up at Kendall cause Kendall was not going to leave Logan's side at all, and be with him the whole time he was in the hospital 

"Welcome Logie" Kendall says as they head to ultrasound to see about the baby and how big it was 


"Okay lift up your gown for me please' the tech says to Logan

Logan does what he is told

"This is going to be cold to the touch" the tech says as she puts the gel on Logan's belly to see the baby that was living there

Logan nods cause he was used to it when he was pregnant with the twins

"There is your baby" the tech says when she finds the baby when she finds the heart beat  

"It's very small" Kendall says as he looks at the screen at the baby that was in Logan's stomach 

"There isn't much to the baby Kenny now, but like the twins it will grow bigger and we will be be able to tell it's a baby as time goes on and it gets bigger, and soon we will be able to hold the little one in our arms" Logan says as he admires the baby on the screen cause Logan already loved the baby and he couldn't wait to go back through what he went through with the twins again with this one

"I can't wait" Kendall says as they kiss cause this will bring them closer together 

"Me neither" Logan says as he admires their little one on the screen some more 

The tech prints off some pictures for Kendall and for Logan 

"Hi baby I am not going to miss a minute of your life" Kendall says as he talks to Logan's flat stomach

"I think the baby likes that" Logan says  to Kendall even though the baby couldn't move yet

"I think so too talking to the baby now is a good idea so it can realize our voices" Kendall says to Logan 

V & C

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