Kenna first surgery

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Logan was terrified when Kenna was going to go in for surgery that night to fix her spine and to put a shunt in her head to help with the drainage that she will have down the road

"Logie she will be fine she is going to be in good hands" Kendall says as Logan keeps shooing all of the nurses out of the room cause he didn't want Kenna to be hurt anymore then what she was

"No she won't Kendall this is my fault that Kenna is like this I wish i had gotten the test done when i was pregnant with the twins" Logan says to him as he holds Kenna close to him

"I'll have Dillion tested as well to see if she has anything wrong with her" Kendall says to Logan

"She has been a pretty normal baby so far she hasn't had anything wrong with her" Logan says as he still holds Kenna in his arms cause he was very protective of Kenna cause she has been a little different lately

Kenna wasn't letting the nurses stick her either for her I.V

"Kenna come on baby doll I know you don't want the I.V in your arm, but you have too if you want to feel better" Logan says to her

"Yeah you will feel like a new baby I promise" Kendall says to her as he rubs her back a little bit to help calm her down

Kenna wasn't calming down at all

"My poor baby" Logan says as he comforts Kenna in his arms

Kendall gave Kenna her paci to suck on

"I know you wanted this baby girl" Kendall says to her as she sucks on her paci a little bit

"Do you want your blankie too Kenna?" Logan asks her

Kendall hands Kenna her blankie

"She seemed contented for the time being" Logan says as he lays Kenna down on the bed

"Yeah hopefuly they can start the surgery to get her better, and back to her normal self" Kendall says to Logan 

"Me too I want to help her on this journery cause I hate to have her go through it alone" Logan says to Kendall

"Me too she is going to need both her parents to go to when the children pick on her" Kendall says to him

"I'll have Erin take Isabel, and me and you can raise the girl together" Logan says to Kendall as the nurse comes back in to put the I.V in Kenna's hand, so she can go into surgery

Kenna hated the needle that was going in her hand at the moment

"i know you hate it baby girl" Kendall says as he comforts her as the needle go into her hand

"You did so good" the nurse says as she inserts the I.V into her hand, so Kenna could head down into the operating room to get her shunt put in her head

'Yeah she did" Logan says as he holds Kenna who was still crying her eyes out cause that hurt her 

"You were so brave Kenna Henderson-Schmidt" Kendall says to Kenna

"Yah she was" Logan says as he wipes the tears that were coming from her eyes

"Logan is it me or is Kenna eyes going cross eyed?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah I see that" Logan says as he looks in Kenna's eyes at her eyes

"I'll get it checked out with the eye doctor" Kendall says as he calls the eye doctor to get an appointment set-up for Kenna to go in

"Okay we will take Kenna back very soon for her surgery" the nurse says as she leaves the room

"Soon this nightmare is going to be over" Logan says he continues to hold Kenna in his arms who wasn't happy at all about this

"Yeah and we can move on from this" Kendall says as he looks at Logan

"Yeah I will be so glad when this is over" Logan says as he sits down with Kenna cause she will have to have her hospital gown on

Kendall and Logan played with Kenna until she had to go down to the operating room

"Can we go with her cause we are her parents?" Kendall asks the nurse

"Sure I don't see anything wrong with that" the nurse says to them 

"Thank you" Kendall says to her as she leaves to go get scrubs for the two gentlemen, so everything will be sterile for Kenna when she goes into the operating room for her surgery

"I'll have James stay with Dillion while we take Kenna back" Kendall says to him

"No I want the twins to stay together they were in my stomach for nine months and I want them to stay together no matter what" Logan says as he continues to hold Kenna in his arms

"Okay I'll have Erin bring Isabel down, so she can say bye to Kenna before she goes into surgery" Kendall says as he leaves the room

Logan wanted to see Isabel cause he was missing her an awful lot

"Isabel I want you to say bye to Kenna cause she is going in for surgery, so she can get better" Logan says when Isabel was brought into the room to say bye to her baby sister

Isabell comes over to say bye to Kenna

"Bye Kenna" Isabel says as she gives her sister a kiss on her forhead

"Ah Isabel that was nice of you" Logan says as Isabel leaves to go back to Erin to wait with her favorite Uncles on Kenna's surgery

"Isabel must really love Kenna" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah she really loves both of the twins" Logan says with a chuckle as the nurse comes in with scrubs for the guys to wear into the operating room

"Logan you look really funny in scrubs" Kendall says to him

"So do you" Logan says as he continues to get dress in his scrubs, so they could head to the operating room wirh Kenna

Once Kendall and Logan was ready they took Kenna down to the operating room

"It's okay lady bug" Logan says as he picks her up to take her down to the operating room

(Operating room)

"Okay Kenna mommy is going to lay you down down, so you can get better okay" Logan says as he lays her down on the table, so she can have her shunt put in her head

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